Chapter Three: The Entrance Exams

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• Second Person P.O.V. •
After a extremely boring month of training, you finally make it to the day of the entrance exams. When you arrive to the room you saw the pro hero Present Mic. "So anyways, there are three robots that you can destroy to get points. One type is worth one point, one type is worth two points, one is worth three point."

Suddenly, a blue haired kid stood up, "On the paper, it said there are four types of robots. That means this is a huge embarrassment to the school."

"There are four types of robots. Except one isn't worth any points." Everyone gasped. Then he said for everyone to go. Everyone rushed into the city you shooting past. You saw Midoriya going fast, too. You smiled at that. You saw a three point robot and sped up. You ran at him switching your fist to electricity you sliced right through him. You saw another one worth two points and fire karate chopped him. You were racking up a bunch of points when you saw Midoriya falling. How did he get up there? You were about to save him when you saw a girl about to save him. You then saw a yellow haired kid about to get crushed by a falling robot. You ran toward him and lifted up the robot before it could hit him you threw it away with ease. You shake his hand and you split up.

After the exam was over, you went home when you opened the door and were surprised to see your mom. "Hey mom, what are you doing here?" You asked her.

"Well first," She answered, "I'm here waiting for your test results. Second I have to talk to you about something."

"Sure mom, shoot."

"Well Y/N, you are old enough to pick a element."


"Well, I have control of all elements, but specifically air. I can fly because of it. You can pick an element, too." She explained.

"I'll have to think on that." You said walking to your room. After a long time of thinking. You come out of your room and said to her, "I've decided my elem-" DING DONG! You go to the door and find a small pod; you pushed a button and All Might appeared.

"Hello young Y/N L/N. You have been accepted into U.A. because you racked up one hundred twelve points; forty two for destroying boys and seventy for recusing young Denki Kaminari." A picture of the boy you saved with yellow hair appeared on the screen. "I'm sure you will be a fine addition to U.A." Your mom hugged you and made you ice cream. You missed the days where she wasn't busy and always made you ice cream.

"Anyway mom, as I was saying I picked my element."

"What is it, honey?" She asked excitedly. "Electricity." You say. She smiled.

"I completely support your choice." She grinned.
-Time Skip-

It was your first day at U.A. You made your way to class and noticed Yaoyozoru. The first thing you noticed was her "mature" physique. "Hey, Yaoyozoru." You said waving.

"Hey Y/N." You took a seat next to her, knowing that it wouldn't be your permanent seat. When your teacher walked in he looked familiar. Shota Aizawa, the pro hero!

"Okay welcome to class. The seats you're sitting in aren't your permanent seats. The seating chart is at the front of the room." He explained in a bored tone. As you saw the seating chart, you realized to your right was Denki Kaminari. The one who you saved at the entrance exam. To your left some girl named Kyoka Jiro. The person behind you was Bakugo. In front of you a girl named Mina Ashido. You sat down in your seat and shook hands with Kaminari.

"Hey, I'm Y/N." You smiled.

"Kaminari." He said. You the. Looked to your left and saw Jiro wearing some headphones. She was beautiful. You don't know why there's just something about her that just got you.

"H-hi, I'm-I'm Y/N." You manage to stutter.

"I'm Jiro." She said shaking your hand, making you blush.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"No. Nothing!" You smile. She put her headphones back on. After the day was over, Yaoyozoru walked up to you.

"Hey, Y/N, you don't have any feelings for me by any chance?" You had to answer honestly.

"No. But I think he does." You said pointing to some short kid with purple balls for hair, that was staring at her chest drooling.

"That little perv, Mineta. He loves every girl here. But, anyway, good because I thought you did." She sighed.

"So we're just friends?"

"Just friends." You replied. She left and you were about to, too when you heard,

"Listen Deku, you bitch, the fact that you're here shouldn't be happening so why don't you leave now before I-"

"Ah, feeling lucky today, are we?" Bakugo slowly turned around. He had a deranged look on his face.

"One day, you're not going to be here to defend him."

"Yeah. Neat. And one day, you're gonna have to be nice. It takes that to be a hero. You have to be willing to save people."

"No it doesn't!" Bakugo yelled taking a punch.

"Wrong choice." You smirk. You throw a strong right hook to his face. He fell over bleeding through his nose and mouth. "Like I said. You have to be nice. You have to defend the people you love. You have to defend everyone." He ran out of the room clutching his face.

"Thanks Y/N." Said Midoriya.

"No problem." After Midoriya left you were about to finish up when,

"Um, Y/N?" You looked up to see Jiro.

"Oh, um, hey Jiro." You managed to say, already blushing.

"That was really cool what you did for Midoriya there." She smiled, warmly. You blushed even harder. "Are you okay? You look like you have a fever." She asked looking concerned. She put her hand on your forehead.  This made you red as a tomato. "Funny you don't feel hot. Actually you kind of do." She said.

"I do?" You asked.

"Yeah, you're hot." You blushed harder. The shade of red your face was shouldn't be comprehensible to the human eye. "Wait a second." She requested. She kissed you on the lips. Your face at this point looked like you had eaten someone alive and there blood was on your face. "Oh. That explains it." She understood. "Well, see you tomorrow." She said, waving as she left.

She acted like what happened didn't even happen. Wait did she just flirt with you? You felt very confused. You went home thinking. Does she actually love me? Did she just do that to make me blush? I'm so confused. I haven't really interacted with girls that much in my life. Well, I'll find out this stuff tomorrow when I see her again.

Well, how did you like it? Also, would you like long chapters not posted that often or short chapters posted every other day. (When I say short I mean like three hundred words. Or maybe extremely short daily uploads. It's up to you.)

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