Chapter 7

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     You made a mad scramble for the mineshaft, deeming the safest place to hide, plus not even Phaser could fit through the door. You saw a reddish-orange dragon with enormous wings soar over head, then twisted to dive. You rolled out of the way, and continued your mad dash. The large-winged dragon rebound as Ethan was the first giant out of the boneyard. His eyes locked on your figure, and he charged at you. You barely made it as a talon ripped your pant leg and stole your shoe. You turned around and slammed the mineshaft door shut just as Ethan tried to grab you again. You backed away about 20 feet, and watched, waiting for them to give in.

You have just now realized that if you had made a break for the beeches shipwreck, Ethan would've caught you, and possibly eaten you. You heard Mark's voice from outside, and inched closer to the door, hiding from the window.

"Did you eat her?" Mark asked in a hostile tone.

"No! I swear, she slammed the door on me and I only managed to get her shoe!" Ethan said. Mark was probably reading his mind, along with Tyler's, Phaser's, and yours if you were in range. Not that he had a choice of who's thoughts he could explore. You wondered what the other's abilities were. When Ethan's talon scraped against you, it felt like a sharp snowball being dragged down your leg. You tore off your sleeve, which was a long sleeve, and wrapped it around the wound.

"Alright, so how do we get her out?" Mark asked, looking at the mineshaft. You peeked out and saw Tyler shrug, and Ethan look around.

"Maybe we could bait her out?" He suggested.

"Kick the door in and grab her?" Tyler suggested. You heard them continue on and decided to explore a little. You found a giant matchstick and decided to use that as a torch. At this point you weren't questioning anything. The soft dirt beneath you turned into cold metal as you walked further.

You finally reached the end of the tunnel, and you were greeted with multiple holding cells. One of them had a giant with black hair and a green stripe dozing off without a care in the world. He had a shock collar on, but didn't seem to notice it. The next cell down was another giant with long, serrated talons and blue hair. You crept up to his cell, curious about him. He noticed you, and turned towards you. This guy had maybe three tattoos, one that went all the way up from his wrist to his elbow, covered in minecraft characters and mobs.

     "Oi! Psst!" He hissed. He hadn't even realized he woke up his cellmate.

    "The hell are you doing now?" The other giant mumbled sleepily. He had a couple of scars, and looked around Ethan's age, although his voice was extremely deep, much deeper than Ethan's was.

     "Trying to get help!" He replied. The second giant rolled his eyes, then looked down at you. He then left, losing interest in you. "Hey, can you get us out of here? We've been stuck here ever since we were little." He paused, "I just want to go home." He pleaded the last part. You felt bad for him, he wasn't supposed to be here. None of these guys were supposed to be here.

     "There you are!" A voice said. You turned around to see a man in uniform with a dragonfly badge on his shirt. You shrieked and tried to run, but he grabbed you. "Whoa, whoa! Hey, calm down! It's me, Phaser!" He said. You did recognize the voice. "Mark heard your thoughts and knew that the shaft was an area that led to outside the enclosure. I followed you, and, well, I guess it's time the war began." He said.

      "What war?" You asked. He looked at you as if expecting you to know.

     "The Oblivion War, the one you witness every night." He said. You stared at him blankly. A war was coming, but you still didn't know how to stop it. The giant was still watching you, now laying on his stomach.

     "A war?" He asked. This brought his cellmate back. Only this time he was much more hostile, especially towards Phaser. The giant growled, his talons flexing as if he was imagining them skewering Phaser.

     "You!" He hissed, snarling. "You 😶 stole me, took me from my family! Even my child!" He roared, smashing his fist on the glass. The other giant in the other cell woke up, annoyed.

     "Ty! Can you be any louder?" He growled. Ty looked towards the cell with a snarl.

     "Shut it, Will!" He growled.

     "Dude, your family is fine!" Another voice said.

     "Yeah, what Ryan said!" Will chirped. Ty snarled.

     "Why don't you mind you're own 😶 business, grass head!" Ty snapped.

     You decided to leave the giants be, and continued on. You realized that there was not only holding cells, which another one of the cells you passed had two giants, one was as thin as a rail while the other looked like he was a little over a healthy weight, another cell contained a giant who was huddled in a corner while another giant was pacing and swearing angrily, but there were also the habitats. There were only two. One you could tell was Mark's because of the cloud of smoke, the other looked like a lush forest, with a few odd plants.

     "Hey, we need to get to the control room, that's the only way that we can get us and them out of here." Phaser said. "It's just up here."

     You followed him, and saw two guards with wicked looking spears. You knew a distraction could probably work, but at the same time, you could probably preform a synchronized takedown.

What is your decision?

A) distraction, go!                      B) stealthy ninja takedown, go!

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