Chapter 4

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You decided that you'd take a nap, you were now exhausted since your panic and fear has weakened. You yawned, and Mark cooed. You looked up at him, to tired to care that you were acting cute.

     "Tired?" Mark asked, even though he could probably see it in your head. You nodded, crawling out of the water and flopping onto the grassy shore. Mark chuckled and reached out to pick you up, then stopped. "Uh, can I pick you up?" He asked, waiting for a response. You nodded and he picked you up gently, making sure that his claws weren't anywhere near your fragile body. If his claws accidentally cut you, you'd either get a horrible attention that no one will pay medical attention to, or you'd die of blood loss.

     Mark rolled you into his palm with his ring finger, and cradled you close to his chest. He may smell like smoke and ashes, but he was warm, and his heartbeat was very soothing. You smiled and nestled into the shirt fabric, which was black with a few tears in it, but the oddest thing about being in this position was his breathing. It was ragged and clouded, probably another trait that AshDusters had.

     "Yep, horrible breath, smokes odors and unhealthy breathing are all AshDuster traits, but I did get the heat resistance and extra warmth traits." Mark answered.

You shot him a mental death glare and he chuckled. He walked up to a cave. In it were three beds, each with huge, furry blankets. One was a bed of animal fur, which was already taken by a large giant, one was made out of moss, and one was made out of ferns. Mark walked over to the mossy bed, which was also very messy, and set you down onto the side. Mark flopped onto the "bed", the wind from the impact almost blew you into the cave wall, but you clung to the moss, glad you didn't go flying. The other giant barely made a sound, aside from soft snoring.

Mark rolled onto his back, and picked you up, then placed you over his heart. The strong thumping blocked out most of the noises inside him, aside from the occasional growl from his stomach, but he ignored it and laid his hand over you in a secure and comfortable way. Mark yawned, covering his mouth with his free hand, then pulled the fur blanket over him, enough to hide you but allow you to breathe. You were out in a heartbeat, barely able to hear Mark's "good night."

It was total chaos. Giants and monsters bigger than houses charged machines heavily armored and bearing dragonflies. Most of the creatures here had cloaks with a golden dove on it, and you recognized one of the golden dove bearing giants as Mark. He roared and smashed his foot down onto a tank, and turned around to face a helicopter. He roared, but the helicopter shot a missile into his throat, closing his windpipe and killing him immediately.

Then everything vanished to an old statue with dragons on a yin-yang symbol. A white marble dragon with obsidian eyes on top, looking down with mercy onto an obsidian dragon with diamond eyes, positioned in an eternal roar of fury, with a matching pose. For a while you thought you were just paralyzed, but then they started to move. The white dragon slithered underneath the black one, each one trading places as a portal started to rip through the remaining stone. Nothing happened until a molten creature leapt out, jaws open and screeching. You shrank away, waiting for it. This has been happening to you ever since a month ago. But instead you heard it calling your name.

     "Wake up, (Y/N)." It mused in a metallic voice. "Wake up."

     You gasped as you woke up, and almost passed out when you saw two giant faces looming over you. You shrank away from both, not realizing that Mark was holding you.

     "Tyler, get me some water." Mark asked. The other giant, Tyler, nodded and left without a word. Mark turned back to you. "Are you alright? I heard everything and kinda saw everything going on in your dream."

     Not only is he a mind reader, he can also see my dreams. You thought.

     "I guess? I've been having this dream for a month, but the portal and creature were new just last week." You said, looking down. What's going on with me? You thought.

     "You know, when someone has a dream over and over and over again, it usually means something." Mark said. "That or it's trying to tell you something."

     Tyler came back with his hands cupped, inside was some water from the stream nearby.

     "Here, drink." Tyler said. Mark carefully moved the hand you were on closer to Tyler's and you took weary sips. You sat back in Mark's palm and Tyler drank the rest. "So what was up with the seizure and "beware the dragonfly?"" Tyler asked. You didn't know how to tell them, but you knew you should probably tell them. But if you didn't, then they wouldn't know what you've been through. They wouldn't know how or who exactly you are (even you hardly knew what "Beware the Dragonfly" meant)

What was your choice?

A) tell them what you knew.         B) tell them nothing and mask your thoughts.

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