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Illumi's Pov

It's her! She's here! I knew that presence I sensed was familiar .
Why am I excited that I saw her ?
I've never been this excited to see anybody...
I've missed her cooking...I still didn't taste anything better than her food after she left . Does she hate me ?
....hey , even if she does , it doesn't even matter to me . I guess..

So as expected , Chrollo asked me to assassinate the leaders of the mafia for the auction but he looked like he was in deep thought about something else . He certainly had something else to say .

"I have a favor to ask ."
A favor ?
"What's that ?"
"Take Reina with you to your house ."
"Excuse me?" I raise my eyebrow to the sudden request . Why does everybody want to just give her to me to stay at my place ??
"I can trust you with that . "
That's odd . I want to protest and be as cold and nonchalant as I've always been...but I do want to have her with me . I'm not sure how my mother would react but I'll work on that later . Maybe mother would like her. I bet grandpa will find her splending .

I just nod and he calls out for a troupe member to bring in Reina . This time when she comes in , I can look at her face thoroughly...


Reina's Pov

"Reina , the boss wants you in there ." Machi calls out to me from the other side of the room .

"Coming!" Huh , what could it be ? Is he done speaking to Illumi ?
I check my appearance and I look fine then go out with her as she leads me inside the room . I see Hisoka when I pass by the hallway , just sitting doing nothing but he was frowning . He didn't look so pleased .

"Here she is ." Machi says as I step in .
"Thank you , Machi ." Chrollo smiles and she shuts the door behind her . In the room , I see Chrollo and Illumi . Chrollo points to an empty spot next to him on the couch and I hurry to sit there , curious about why he wanted me .

"In this place , we follow the rules and if there's a problem , we flip a coin , true?" Chrollo directs his speech to me and I slowly nod .

"Then I want you to follow my rules for your own safety ."

"Sure.." I say , quite uneasy of how this is going .

"Reina , you're leaving with Illumi tomorrow morning , I've talked to him . You'll stay at the Zoldycks House for the meanwhile , just a week okay ? And I'll be back to get you safely ."

The Zoldycks house ?! Illumi's family house ? Of assassins??

Well , it's not like I'm staying with doctors right now..they're thieves and killers too...Guess it's not that different , right ?

Chrollo must've noticed my nervous silence so his hand softly strokes my back and pats it a multiple times .
"Hey , I insure your safety...It's going to be okay.." he whispers into my ear . I look up to him and his eyes are purely honest . I can trust Chrollo .

"Alright ." I say with a smile . He smiles back and his hand goes to my shoulder , suddenly pulling me close .
"I'll -"

"Ah!" I scream , interrupting Chrollo . Well it's not me who interrupted him . Illumi pulled me up to his side with full force that I felt like my arm almost got ripped off .

"I'm in this room , you know . Respect your guests at least ." Illumi says to Chrollo , his grip tightening around my wrist . I frown , he's hurting me , but I don't protest . I find it smarter not to do so in this kind of situation.

"Let go of her hand ." Chrollo sounds too displeased .
"What ? Is it wrong for me to get touchy with her too ?"

What did he just say ?

I push Illumi away to find him giving me a surprised look . "Don't just phrase it like that , I'm offended! First Hisoka , then you!" I place my hands on my hips , tapping my foot angrily .
Illumi sheepishly bows his head down . "Alright that was mean.."


"Do I have to ?" Illumi whines like a child .



Chrollo stares shocked at how Illumi has reacted . I don't think he has ever thought Illumi would actually listen to me .
"Well...I guess you'd be quite okay with the Zoldycks ." He chuckles , still surprised . I grin too , proud of myself that I have influence .

"But...I'll have to take the opinion of a certain someone before leaving ." It's true , he's the one I've spent most of the time with . He did help me throughout alot of obstacles and he knows Illumi and this world better than I do so it's just natural that his opinion is essential to me . However , it's still me who's deciding this .

"And who might be this person ?" Both of them ask , despite sounding like they already know the answer .


"Me ~!" The owner of the voice interrupts us by his dramatic entrance with some of the troupe members arguing behind them about how he just barged in . Chrollo gives them a sign that it is okay and they shush , closing the door behind Hisoka .

I have a bad feeling about this...all three of them in one room..

"Oh , really ?" Chrollo mocks .
"Believe it or not ." Illumi adds , scoffing .

"What is it guys ? Jealous ? Hmm! what a sight to see~!" Hisoka sounds too excited , he pulls me close way too quick that my face hits his torso hard , his abs bumping into my forehead causing me to yell an 'ouch' .

"Careful-" Chrollo makes a move but Illumi blocks his way . He snatches me from Hisoka but I find myself getting pulled back strangely as if I was stuck .
Did he activate Bungee Gum on me?!

"What the.." Illumi frowns , completely annoyed by now . But before he could do anything , a punch lands on Hisoka's face . Apparently none of us anticipated Chrollo's sudden movement and he left all of us in surprise .

"Is that all you got ?" Hisoka chuckles , still holding on me too tight to which Chrollo and Illumi lose their patience .
If I hadn't gotten used to their overly fast techniques , I wouldn't have noticed Illumi's needles up in his hand and Chrollo's dangerous-looking knife  held ready to attack .
What ?!!! Are they serious ?!

Hisoka smirks , provoking them , and I don't think I'll like what's next .

"GUYS!" I finally speak up before any of them could attack . I was really surprised by what was happening and words couldn't just firm out of my mouth .

They all stop and look at me , confused .

"What are you trying to do?? Wake up!" I yell but all three of them just shake their heads followed by exhausted sighs .

"You still don't get it , Reina ? You should wake up ." Chrollo says and the other two nod .

Before I could reply , my phone buzzes and rings afterwards . I hastily check it to cancel on whoever us calling on this tough situation . It's my parents argh...and the buzz was a message from uncle's friend , sending me reports about The Woman's recent movements to find me . This is not the right time at all!

Hisoka stops his nen ability and lets me go . I stand in the middle with Hisoka , Chrollo and Illumi surrounding me .

"I love you!" They all exclaim in the same time . I gasp . Th-they do ?!
"So..." Chrollo says next .
"Who do you.." Illumi continues .
"Choose ?" And Hisoka ends .

I swallow . With the reports on my mind , my parents' call , and the confessions of the three guys I know..what do I do ??

....Who do I choose ?
Who do I love...?
Hisoka ? The psycho magician ?
Illumi ? The emotionless assassin ?
Chrollo ? The leader of the phantom troupe ?

I sigh , gulping and clenching my fists and shaking . But I have to say it! It's only fair to do that!

"I love...."


(A/N) MUAHAHAHA I've waited so long to do this :3

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