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Aaahhh I'm gonna cry :") 1K reads thank you thank you thank yoouuu I love you all!!

  It seriously felt so absurd for him to let me stay . What reason does he has for me ? What job will I do ? Am I really of a use in such a gang ?

  I don't even want to be a member of it . I looked them up and I hate what they did . Killers and thiefs , seriously do I always end up with people of that kind ? Starting with Hisoka...

But somehow , I'm stuck here . Till he knows what to do with me . He is probably waiting to see my power then...he'll change his mind and steal it or..decide it's too normal and I'm of no use as a trashcan . Well...those have a use really...

  24 hours have passed . I'm wide awake in the middle of the night . I slept alot . That's what happens when I sleep in a different place for the first time , I sleep way too much . It was a temporary hideout for whatever business they have to do in Yorknew City so most of them - if not all - aren't present here unless Chrollo wants them . So , it's really Chrollo and I here for now . Well..add Machi , whom I recently found out is a member , and Franklin , since at least there should be two bodyguards with Chrollo . And Hisoka . He has nothing to do and he insists to stay with me . Apparently he misses teasing me..

  Machi always has a disgusted look on her face whenever she makes eye contact with Hisoka . Well..I've been like that too but I've grown used to it unfortunately .
Chrollo is quiet the whole time . Spends time reading . He really looks at peace when he does..It's adorable..

I walk closer to him , feeling the tension and alarm I've put on Machi and Franklin but Chrollo doesn't seem fazed at all .

"Hey!" I yell excitedly...a little loud I guess ? Because he somehow squints to my voice and inches a bit away .
"Sorry...so what are you reading ?"
I ask curiously .
"Antique books...you probably don't know that ." He says , his eyes still glued to the book .
"It looks old though..but I like old books . They have a different style . Oh wait , I have a book with me if you like reading!" I search through my bag and get out this funny cheap book I've found . Finished it in a few hours but reread it like three times . " I always keep it with me! But you can borrow it!"
  I hand Chrollo the book with a smile and he takes it in his hand so carefully , staring blankly at it , void of emotion . Sheesh no reaction at all , I'm sure im being nosey and he doesn't like books like those .
"I'll read it ." He says , his eyes still not looking at me .
"Yay! Tell me when you do!" I leave him in his little personal bubble and sit next to Hisoka .
"Why didn't you recommend me that book huh ?" He raises his eyebrows .
"Because simply the title explains how to avoid you ." I chuckle teasing him but he doesn't find it funny at all .
"Ha ha what is its name ?"

"How to deal with an idiot ?"



  Two days flew by . I've been watching her all the time . I asked Phinx and Feitan to look after her..in case she is in danger of anything . I've never seen anyone smile like that..she looks broken , so broken . Yet , she smiles so lively , so bright and full of life . She always wears layers of clothes . I never see her without her hoodie . Her hood , tightly stretched , to securely cover her head . I want to know what color her hair is , I want to know what it looks like . Last time I've seen her , it was dark enough for me not to see clearly . I was standing in the light while she stood under a shadow .

  Why is it Hisoka who got to be with such a person ? How did she manage to keep me thinking about her that quick ? What did she do to him ? Hisoka and I are really different . Our interests ate different too . But it looks like he really likes her . And the way she treats him indicates they're so close .

  I shake my head and continue reading . The book she gave me . I could've finished it pretty quick but I thought I'd keep it with longer . So I read slower than usual .

"Pfff...pfff!" I snicker when a funny part comes on , can't contain my laughter . I don't want anyone to hear me . My private room isn't as far from the central place .

"Pfff...hahahahaha" I roll on the floor laughing so hard . Yep , I failed to contain my laughter . How can books do that! I love books! It's been a while since I laughed like this .

A soft knock on the door startles me and I get up quick and fix my messy hair . Did any of the troupe members hear me ?

"Who is it ?" I ask .

"It's me , Chrollo!"
It's her . The way she says my name is too cute .

"Enter ." I say and she gets in . I'm on my bed and she observes the room around then shuts the door behind her . She sprints in a hyper way  , "I heard you laughing! I wasn't stalking though believe me!" She defends quickly and I try not to smile at that .
I hope my cheeks don't change color because I feel embarrassed...

My emotions have never been this strong...She's powerful..so powerful to be able to do that to me .

"The book is good ." I say in the same tone .

"Oh come oonn!! Don't just act like that so blunt! Hmph!" She hits my arm .
"How did you get in ?" I ask .
"Oh Phinx and Feitan said it's okay . I don't know , they've been acting weird since I've come here ." She sits next to me , our fingers touch for a split second . She doesn't seem to put much thought into it .

I only shrug .

Still in her hoodie..but..it wasn't tight .

"You know you can let me go , I don't mind it . I'm tired of being a burden on others ." She looks down when she says that . What is she talking about ?

"You're no burden ." I pause ." Is that why you came to talk to me ?"

"Well that's a part of it ."

"You're not my possession ." I tell her . "But I still haven't decided yet how long you'll be staying ."

"..It feels easy to talk to you.."

I stare at her , surprised by her sudden words . Is it ?

"I feel we're alike somehow.."
She shakes her head as if remembering something . She gets up , avoiding eye contact with me . I don't want her to go just yet .
I hold her hand and pull her back , the impact sending her back on the bed with a thud and her hood slides down .

She gasps and covers her head with her bare hands . Tears fall from eyes . I just found out the secret he hid from everyone .

She had no hair .


Poor reinaaaa ;-;
Who are you shipping Reina with so far ??

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