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  "You have no right to ask about these questions! If I heard you talking about this matter , you'll be fired young lady . What's wrong with employees being disrespectful these days?" The manager mutters the last sentence to himself ,  clearly so pissed of me when he bangs the desk with his curled fist .
  "Sorry.." I make my way out of his office. You bet I am .
I was just worried about my missing coworkers and I thought about reporting it , but turns out he obviously has a relation with this . Why would he go all angry with me then ?
  I sigh , ignoring all this sh*t and hurry to take my shift . Unfortunately now I get to divide my shifts with Azusa and we work on other floors and sections . Pretty tiring and I kind of got used quickly to my little desk on the 200th floor . I'm even calling it mine . Now I have less free time..hope that won't hold up or cancel my training with Hisoka .
"Hey , Azu!" I wave greeting her and she gives me a hug .
"How did it go with the manager ? You okay ? You look grumpy hehe" She hands me a coffee flavored candy she had in her pocket . "Lifts your mood up!" She winks making me chuckle .
"Thanks! Well as you see.." I lower my voice , almost whispering then proceed , "he was reeaally nervous about that . His reaction was rather weird . Better be cautious around here..I don't intend to worry you but I have a bad feeling about all of this.."

"Hm , you do ?"
I gasp and both of us jump when we heard his whispering voice from behind . He chuckles to how we reacted and I find myself crossing arms and roughly squinting my eyes at him . When did he even get here?! I didn't sense his presence..was it Zetsu?
"What are you doing here ?"

"Came to say hi ." He smirks , God knows what ulterior motive he has on mind..mmm
"Isn't he.."Azusa stops midway when she recognizes his face confirming her assumption . The look of confusion is replaced with absolute horror . Poor Azu...
"Well no time to say hi , I have work . " I couldn't really figure out the reason why I was rude to him..I mean am I trying to act tough in front of my friend..? I never was an attention seeker but I found the words automatically escaping my mouth . Maybe it's because I'm not in a good mood or it's aggressive joking..I should be nicer than that when talking to a person who saved my-
He did tried to kill me though..
Sheesh , I'm so confused now..
"Free for a second then ?" His amused smile never disappears , does it ?
Azusa smiles to me , "Be careful" then walks down the stairs to her other shift .
"Sure ?"

"When are you free ? " he asks , his eyes shifting between the desk and me .
"Uhh I don't really know..you see I'm struggling with shifts and..but um I'll try to free myself!" I nervously say , feeling like a complete loser . I hated to make a deal with someone then ruin it by my own circumstances...
"Oh my! Look at yourself ? On the edge of a breakdown already ?"
"Shut up Hisoka!" He's embarrassing me , I hate him ugh.
"Hey..um.." my voice magically changes to 100 times softer .
"Sorry" I finally said it . Come on , there was no need for my harsh attitude . Maybe I'm overthinking about it but the guy was just coming to say hi what's wrong with that..I could use that attitude any time I want when he is back to acting like a jerk..
"....What ?"
I look into his eyes and stare surprised for a moment .Huh.. His look was..was..sincere ? His golden eyes were for once not so dull..
"What a pity" He then smiles back again , and goes to his room . Leaving me doubting my own eyes , believing it was just a mere imagination..


  "So you're here to punch him in the face ?" I ask , pretty excited about the fight Gon is longing for . This kids are really fun to talk to!
"You could just ask me to do that for you . I'll catch him off guard while he's teasing me or something." I chuckle and they join .
"Actually you seem to get along well with him , right ? I never saw someone lecturing Hisoka before . Even an examiner could never do that ." Killua points out and I shrug . "I really just do what sounds right . I leave the consequences afterwards but I face them anyway ."

"You're awesome Reina-san!" Gon exclaims before Killua grabs him to train together .
"See you Reina!"
I wave to both of them and organize a few of my papers . My shift almost came to an end so I'll have to train with Hisoka and retreat his wound now . He has a fight a week later , hopefully he'll be perfectly healed by the time being .
  I knock , wait for a few minutes for him to open the door .
Nothing .
Hmph where is he ?!
When I flip the door open , I find it strangely quiet in there . Is he not here ?
"Hisoka? Where are you ?"
The sound of the water flushing reached me now..oh..so..he's in the shower .
"Oh I'll wait for you outside then.." I make my way out of the room when I feel a hand pn my shoulder from behind stopping me . Startled , I turn around . Hisoka is only wearing boxers with a towel on his shoulder . His hair is still wet , the front part almost covering his eyes . His grip was too gentle..
"Wait for a minute , I'll get ready . Unless you would like to train like that ." He winks , again showing the usual shrug and I sigh in annoyance . "Pervert , get ready ." I sit on the sofa and he shrugs , "your loss." Then disappears to dress in the bathroom .
Hey , is that a house of cards ?
Hehe he made that didn't he..well that's a talent .
  "Like that ?" He asks when he notices my amazement .
"Yes! I love it!"
"Well then I'll teach you how to do it ." He smiles . "Really??"
"Mmm no"
"Hisoka!!" I put my hands on my hips and pout . How evil!
"Hehe I'll think about it ." He brings a glass of water with a leaf on to me .
"Huh what's that ?"
"Water Divination . The best to find out what's your Hatsu Category is . I'd say you're an Enhancer or an Emitter . Let's see . Release your aura ." Hisoka explains and I take a deep breath . Concentrate . I realeased my Ren and covered it around the glass . After a few seconds , I stopped . Huh ?
"Nothing happened ?"

Hisoka gives me a surprised look before he happily giggles .
"Taste it ."
I taste the water and strangely it tastes so sweet!
"Did you put honey in that?" I ask , pretty confused .
"You're a transmuter , brat . Just like me ."
"Seriously??" I never thought I'd be a transmuter...
"Now get up.."

I spent days training with Hisoka . I've been getting better and he didn't piss me off 24/7 . But I gotta say , I forgot the violent vibe this place gives .

Today's was it .

Kastro's fight .

Little did I know that day would be the worst day I've ever had .


(A/N) Eventless ik chapter but this was supposed to be a filler . Next one is gonna make up for it and the system of this story would be like a few parts for each character alone (Hisoka,Illumi&Chrollo) then they'd be all in the same parts afterwards .

Who wants a Hisoka's POV chapter :3 ?

Love Is Elastic (Hunter x hunter )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant