Chaper 2: Crystals

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Luna instantly followed Young Iris although reluctantly. "IRIS! That freaking voice came from there, do you think that oh I don't know. THAT IT'S A BAD IDEA TO GO TOWARD IT!!!" Luna shrieked out her concern, and fear of clearly being murdered. Iris didn't reply, too wrapped up in her thoughts to reply to the slightly scared friend that followed. As they approached the woods, after making sure no one was watching, the wind sighed through the trees making the forest slightly more friendly, as if the limbs of the trees were waving at an old friend, the wind bringing the Earthy and the smell of wet dirt and grass, the sprinkles softly pattering on the leaves above as they entered beneath the canopy of leaves.

"Iris? Iris are you okay?" Luna asked as concern for her thinking friend grew into a fearful monster. Iris didn't answer, her feet obeying her silent curiosity about the noise, almost seemingly forcing her into a trance as she continued to walk forward. Soon strangely enough, they found a few upturned trees, like they were ripped out of the ground, roots and all, and were thrown at some invisible enemy, and they then ran across a clearing. The clearing was deserted besides a large pile of rocks, and hollow log. Iris, looked around, as if she just woke up from a dream.

"Okayy. Deja vu." Iris mumbled under her breath after remembering vaguely remembered this from a dream from a long time ago. She slowly walked forward into the circular clearing, until she stood by the pile of rocks. Just then her name was called, it was nearer this time, it almost sounded like the voice and her could be speaking with one another. Luna, with goosebumps covering every inch of her skin, stepped forward bravely.

"Okay, if this is a prank it isn't funny!" Luna shouted into the woods, her voice betraying her real thoughts. Iris hushed her, and turned slightly toward her friend, gesturing for her to come over, and crouched down near the old fallen tree, after noticing a slight blue glow inside the hollow tree. Iris leaned her head toward the ground until her face was being tickled by the blades of grass, her eyes straining to see into the simi-darkness, to see the source of the glow. The glow came from a blue, circular, clock-like object, runes outlining the amulet. The clock-like hands ticked sending off a blue glow from the inner working. Luna, now noticing the glow approached and stood next to Iris's crouched form, as she reached out to grab the strange device, but yelped startled as a bus's horn honked off a warning.

Panicking Iris quickly snatched the object, grabbed her three books that she had left on the top of the log and took off like a rocket, Luna following with the same urgency, not to get on the bus in time, but to get out of the woods as soon as possible. Sadly they were late, and the bus left without them. Iris, amazingly guilt, apologized profusely to Luna, which she only shrugged off, saying she needed exercise anyway.

On their way home, they both examined the amulet closely, curious about the small thing that fell into their grasp. Iris curiously flicked at the hands of the "clock", the device making a quiet "shing" noise.

"Maybe it's broken?" Luna suggested, confused about the device.

Iris didn't respond at first, "I don't think so Lulu," she muttered under her breath, flipping the device over on its front, the silver material gleaming in the dying sunlight. "I think it was made.... For something else...." She continued, flipping the amulet back over to trace the runes with her fingertips.

"Why do you think that,"

"I don't know... Just a feeling I guess..." Luna sighed as they stopped in front of Luna's house.

"See you tomorrow Iris." Luna said as she walked up the driveway, while Iris waved farewell and continued down the street to her house. As she walked on the driveway to her from door she realized that her mother was gone, and sighed as she realized that she forgot her house keys in her room, and she knew that her brother would be too preoccupied to open the front door. She changed her course from walking toward the front door, to her backyard gate and walked through the back yard and entered through the back door where she was immediately bombarded with a whip like tail slapping her leg.

Her puppy Sheeva, was a very hyper dog. She would constantly and randomly start biting your hand and anything else that she could bite, she even tore a bed mattress to pieces, she was a German Mastiff mixed with an American Bulldog, and had a black and white, badger-like face, and was all white on her back except three spots that made it look like a smiling cyclops, a black tail and paws. Iris smiled down at the dog and pet her head lovingly. "Hello Sheevee," Iris practically gushed over little Sheeva as she tried to bend her head to bite Young Iris's hand. Iris went to her bedroom, which is quite clean until you look at her clothing rack, and under her bed, and threw her bag, binder and books on her bed, Sheeva following behind her

As she closed her bedroom door behind her she looked at the amulet, still in her hands, and pocketed it. With Sheeva in tow, Iris and Sheeva went outside, and Iris checked the chickens, then went back inside. Sighing softly, Iris first washed the blood out of her hair again as she did the past few hours at school, Iris then went to one of the two couches in her front room, sat down, and started reading on her tablet, Sheeva curling into the crook of her legs.

She almost fell asleep when a startling 'BANG' interrupted her mid-slumber, and caused Sheeva to growl and bark loudly. Iris slowly got up from the couch, and slowly walked toward the kitchen, where a door was that led to the garage, where the noise originated. As she shoved aside the boxes almost barricading the door, she couldn't help but tremble in excitement, a feeling telling her that something amazing was going to happen. When she finally cleared her way to the door, Iris reached out to the door handle, but hesitated. A small part of her whispered to herself; If she opened that door, everything would change, and she would not be the same afterwards. Iris smirked a bit at her needless worrying, she has waited for this it seemed to herself her whole life, something to prove that there was something more to the world than homework.

**:Huh, she kind of sounds like you Jimbo.:**
::I guess.::

She grasped the doorknob firmly, and turned the handle, and threw open the door. Iris let out a gasp of shock, as cold air flew through the doorway, and caused shivers to roll down her spine. Straightening up she slowly entered the dark, dank garage. There was a small problem about the garage, which we soon found out about, because of all the fiction books Iris has read, she has grown a strong dislike and fear of the dark, as she descended into the dark, she suddenly wish she brought a flashlight and or a book with her.

::Why a book?::
(Well she would have been messing with the pages of the book, to help her anxiety.)
**:That's weird:**

As she traveled in the darkness, she managed to scramble toward a light switch that only lit the hall into the garage, but made her a bit more relaxed, but as she looked into the room itself, her anxiety returned, the rumbling of the working washing machine not making it much better. She took a step into the shadows just as the washing machine stopped with a soft and long 'beep', and an unlocking noise came from it. Flicking the light switch for the room, a dim light came on, illuminating the room ever so slightly, looking around for the source of the light, Iris shrugged, and thought that she might have imagined it, and decided to transition the clothes from the washer to the dryer, her nose itching slightly because of the dust, making her feel like she may sneeze, just as two figures walked toward her, and stopped three feet away.

"Mistress Iris!" I cried in happiness, but was taken aback by what happened next. Iris jumped quite possibly three feet off the ground and, turned around slightly, accidentally hitting her thigh against the machine....

And she sneezed.

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