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Hey guys, it's me...

Ya boi.

Just wanted to let you know that I am not abandoning this story.

I went through too much emotional trauma through middle school to ever abandon this story. Especially since this is actually one of the first stories of mine that I've actually fallen in love with.

Trust me, when we get to the thick of it, we gonna be in the thick of it. And you will cry.

You will cry Suzan

Anyway, I just kinda hit a current road block on the current chapter I was writing, and honestly, I'm thinking about rewriting what I have, since I think I've developed my writing style more during the years since I started this project.

And like dude, middle-school-me, what drugs were you smoking? This starts so cringe and clenche, BLARG!

ToA fans deserve better than cringe.

And also middle-school-me didn't really have a fully hammered out plot, so making that would also be very helpful.

Anyway, just wanted to give you guys a quick update, and I will see you when I see you! ♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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