Chapter 1- That day (flashback)

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Three months ago 
 (A small cabin in the woods)
Blood. So much blood. Is it mine or his, or theirs?
I try to run from the horror in front of me but I can't. The chain to my ankle holds me in place. I tug and tug only causes more pain.
The walls are smeared with the sickly sweet mess of red in patters that mesmerise even the sanest of people. While the floors seem to disappear with pools of red. Red. Red. Red. Then darkness.

I awake to find I have not move nor the torture in my sight. A piercing scream attack my ears only to work out it is mine. I scream and scream but it is not heard nothing is. I am alone with my thoughts. My head, yet not my thoughts. They have been forced and manipulated to show a different picture. Too much pain in one persons head can cause someone to go insane. Insane. Ha what is insane? Merely a word the innocent use when they don't see the pain in the world. I do. Yes I do.

The male's body lay tangled near me. His blood had stopped pooling around him but his face still the pained expression. As for the others, the same fate they met. Unlike me. Why me?

I looked to my feet feeling the blood meet my toes. What a strange feeling. It was cold yet it still ran red. Red. Red. Red. Then darkness.
I woke once more to sit up again. Blood fell from my head causing me to reach up and touch the cut. It was deep. Quite deep, in fact so deep I could place my fingers into it. I could feel no pain with it though. My head was spinning but no pain was given. A loud bang shook the walls causing me to shiver as the wind blow in.

A person, no, no thing, no. He had no face. A blur. Everything was a blur. Was he even there?

"Princess" I shivered once more knowing the voice but my mind wouldn't let me take it in. It wouldn't let me take anything in.
He stepped through the blood and bodies as if they weren't there. He kissed my head lightly whispering.
"They are coming. I rang. But I cannot stay. Or they will have me. I will leave, but I will be back. You are MINE... and don't you dare forget it."
He put the key for the chain on the floor, kissed my head once more and left. His face stills a blur of black and shadows. The key mixing in the blood, in the red, red, red then darkness.
The sirens woke me again as the blue and red light glistened in the blood, the blood on the floor, the blood on them, the blood on me. The door was broken down causing my head to whip up and the blood from my fore head to fly in that direction.

Three men ran in shouting and screaming. Two went to scan the area while once came directly into the room I was held. He slowly edged the door open more locking eyes with me. His face was clear. He cleared my thoughts. He too walked over the blood and bodies like they were nothing.
He crouched down to my level but fear took hold of me and I pulled away as far as the chain let me. A whimper leaving my mouth.
He studied my reaction before picking up the key from the blood.
I flinched as he took hold of my chain but settled as he undid it letting the chain fall from my skin free ankle.

He went to speak but another man beat him to it.
"WILL WE NEED TO GET OUT NOW!" The dark man shouted taking obvious charge of Will and the situation. His eyes met the room but not like Will's. All he saw was horror not why or me? When his eyes did meet mine confusion hit.
"THERE'S A BOMB MOVE!" Anger and panic took over him.
Will's eyes locked back to mine as he went to pick me up. I pulled away for him, the contact of another man was not right.
"Come on quicker!" He man shouted again opening the door further for Will to carry me through.
Will however did not move he looked me dead in the eyes before speaking.

"I'm not here to say it will be alright because it won't. Your mind, you see things like me don't you? Then it will never be alright but we can get through it. Together. But right now you need to trust me."
His words took hold of me. Covered in a warm blanket away from pain and panic. Tears streamed down my face as I took a leap of faith leaning into a man I just met.

Will did not stutter but picked me up like you would a baby and ran out of the house. Taking me out of that place. Then a noise so loud it hurt followed by intense heat and the smell of smoke hit my senses. I pushed myself into his holding onto his top and whimpering slightly. While Will held me tightly protecting me from the situation, as I fell once more into deep darkness.

Soon after I found myself in a hospital bed. Panic took over me as I went to pull the drip out of my arm but was stopped by a hand. Will.
My teary eyes met his as he pulled my hand of the needle.
"It will help. Don't take it out."
Silence filled the room. Only my heavy breathing could be heard.

"The doctor said you have serious brain and memory damage, as well as many physical injuries. They say you are hiding it from yourself. We have tried to find someone who knew you but we failed. Do you remember anyone, family? Friends?" Will spoke
Tears fell down my cheeks as I shook my head. No one came to mind. My broken mind. No one but the man with no face.

"It's okay, because I will be here. You won't do this alone. I'm gonna stay here right by your side. You can't have a broken mind like mine. No you will be fixed. You will be better than me."

I looked into his pain filled eyes and understood what he said in the cabin.
......"Your mind, you see things like me don't you?"......

He was broken too. His mind held pain also. So much pain. Then I realised he needed me, like I needed him. I wasn't sure the future but I was sure I needed a guide, a friend, a brother.
"Alexandra. My name. It's Alexandra"

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