Chapter 11: Just for You

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       It was taking everything in me not to spazz out on Dwight

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It was taking everything in me not to spazz out on Dwight. I mean he had me out here looking foolish in front of my boss. I knew he wasn't at work so why couldn't he pick up the phone to answer my calls. Same with Yolanda. I was always there for her, but the one time I needed her, she was nowhere to be found.

I was so angry that I hadn't said a word to Yolanda once I walked into her apartment. I know she probably thought I was crazy especially since I was still crashing at her residence, avoiding Zachary. However, the way my attitude was set up right now, it was best for me to keep my mouth closed.

I was currently sitting against the headboard of the bed, watching my boyfriend. Something was off. Although we were back on good terms, it was like Dwight's mind was elsewhere. There would be times I was engaging in conversation with him, and he would be staring in a corner, in deep thought.

Like now.

      "You mad at me?" He asked, catching me off guard.

Why were niggas so stupid.

"I'm not mad, more-so confused. What were you doing where you couldn't pick up the phone for me Dwight?"

"Raheem, I am not cheating on you if that's what you're asking."

      "Who said anything about cheating? I asked what were you doing or better yet where were you?" I asked.

       The thought of me looking a complete fool was haunting my mind. I know Mas— Mr. Pennington was a nice guy, but it was not a good look for my boss to be dropping me off. I was more embarrassed than anything. I mean Dwight had apologized a million times in the last two hours, but I wasn't trying to hear it. All I wanted to hear was his excuse because I know it wasn't a good one. I sat up in the bed to get a look at him. His features were still the same as they were when I first laid eyes on him. Of course, he matured, but I could even see the boyish charm in them.

"I was with Tae and Zach. We smoked a blunt, and I guess I was too zoned out to hear your call."

I glared at him for a second. I thought if I looked at him enough, he would change his answer.

"Alright." I merely said standing up from the bed and grabbing my sleepwear from the dresser.

"Wait." he said gently grabbing my arm, "I apologize I know I should have picked up the phone to answer you."

"It's cool. You made time for who you wanted to make time for."

       And with that, I left him in the bedroom. I turned the hot water nozzle on in the bathroom. I couldn't help but think that he was distant because of my cheating confession. I mean he took me back but had he really forgiven me? I loved Dwight and wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. However, I would be damn if he was secretly punishing me when I forgave him plenty of times for his indiscretions.

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