Operation TEAM-UP

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Planetary Kids Next Door Mission
Operation TEAM-UP


"You sure about this, Numbuh 5?" Numbuh 4 asked

"It was your idea, 'member, einstien?" she replied as they sat around the desk.

"Well I never said we should go una-" Numbuh 3 pushed him lightly to shut him up.

They were here.

"What's this about a peace talk?" Mr Boss asked as they entered

"Listen, you little brats, if this is to get even for the treaty thing last year, forget it." The Steve added

"And why do we gotta get involved in this anyway?" Mr Boss added

The kids stayed silent and let the questions flow out

"We don't want wanna get even." Numbuh 3 stated innocently

The two raised an eyebrow

"In case you haven't noticed, we're not exactly in that kind of position right now." Numbuh 2 added

"Why should we listen to you?" Mr Boss asked

"Because, you cruddy adults if you don't they're gonna-" Numbuh 4 said. But no one listened, because his teammates were too busy holding him back from tackling him.

Once things calmed down and looks were given, humphs were produced, Numbuh 5 continued the discussion
"I'm sure you know about our planet's situation and how it affects your groups."

The third guest spoke

"Indeed. Which is why we demand-eth protection of our kingdom." King Sandy said

Numbuh 4 took a deep breathe "Listen, ya little squirt,"

The other kids gave him a look

"I mean... er, your majesty," he forced himself not to roll his eyes "but we need full force, cuz the aliens declared a war on all of us."


"I think I get it." Mr Boss said

"Uh... sure, bro," The Steve said

"Fine. Let us then discuss-eth the detail-eths." King Sandy lisped

Okay, that was a filler. But I know what direction the story is gonna go in

Please vote and comment. Ba-bye

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