Chapter 3

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"Okay! Great introduction, now your seat is over there."

Your gaze followed your teachers and fell upon the only empty seat in class.

"Perfect." You mumbled in a sarcastic tone.

The only free seat was right infront of candyfloss head. You walked up to your seat and looked down at it with a smirk. Candyfloss had his feet rested on your chair.

"You wanna keep those feet?" You sneered at him.

"Yah, do you wanna die?" He spat whilst raising a fist trying to intimidate you.

You didn't even flinch. You just smirked at him and leaned down on his desk, your faces just inches apart.

"W..what are doing?" He stuttered.

You laughed and backed off. His blushing face was hilarious.

"Now your cheeks match your hair." You said.

You looked down at his feet that were still resting on your seat. Noticing your gaze he moved them quickly not wanting a replay of what had just happened. You slumped into your chair with a smug look on your face and got out your books.

"No more trouble." You told yourself "Just learn and leave here quickly."

Lunch Time.

The bell rang and everyone flooded out of the classroom leaving you alone with Candyfloss.

A minute had passed and it was still silent. Growing bored you decided to leave and got up out of your seat.

"Sit down, loser." A voice demanded. Candyfloss.

You didn't turn around but instead stood still waiting for him to say something more. You heard the sound of a chair being pushed back and soon felt someones hand on your shoulder turning you around.

"I told you to sit." He spat.

You looked at him smugly and began to turn around again.  Suddenly, a strong pair of arms pushed you down into your seat roughly.

"YAH! What are you doing, psycho!" You yelled at him.

He placed his hands either side of you and leaned in close.

"So tell me, are you rich?" He wispered

"I could buy all your asses and more!" You yelled in your head.

"No, I came here through good grades and hard work." You lied.

He laughed and backed away suddenly scowling.

"I knew it. You're just some poor brat who is worth less than trash." He spat.

You couldn't hold it in anynore and burst out laughing. To you this was all too funny. Knowing how much more powerful and rich you were than him and then seeing him act superior really made you chuckle.

He gave you a questioning look.

"Poor and a phyco, perfect combination for a trash like little girl." He said.

Again, fits of laughter escaped your lips, you were in stitches! Trash like? Little girl? HAHAHAA! Oh how you wanted to tell him who he was messing with but no. You couldn't. You just wanted a peaceful time here. Afterall, you would rather be treated like this than be treated with fake smiles and fake friends because you're rich.

"Aish, crazy trash!" He said and then left quickly, probably to spread that I'm "poor".

That bad bastard.


Sorry its a short update!

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I love you all. ♡

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