Chapter 8

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Zelo's P.O.V

A trial run... it could work but only for tonight. Where should we go? Should I take her out to eat, or to play?

Play it is.

"Hey trash kid, follow me." I demanded.

She tried to struggle out of my grip on her shoulders, cursing under her breath when she couldn't escape.

"Why should I do anything you say? Get off and get lost, I'm going home." She grumbled through gritted teeth.

Go home? Hell no, she isn't going anywhere, not till' I'm done with her. I pulled her in close to my chest tightly, so even though she protested, she couldn't move.

Your P.O.V

Suddenly he had pulled you in close to his chest. He was warm and smelt sweet "like candyfloss" you thought. The feeling of his soft clothes on your face was relaxing and comforting, all of this somehow felt normal, as if it is something you had done a million times before.

"Wait. No. Ew. I hate him, remember?" You scolded yourself to rid you of all these unnecessary thoughts.

You tried to push him away, to get out of his strong hold, but it was to no avail. Still, you tried to break free, not wanting to be lead into any false feelings for such a.... a jerk.

"Just trust me, okay?" He mumbled into your hair.

He pulled away and for some reason you felt yourself missing his warmth. One of his hands slipped behind you and rested on the small of your back, gently puushing you. Zelo walked next to you, with his hand still on your lower back.

"Where is he taking me?" You thought.

He led you into the school carpark and walked up to your convertable. Zelo gestured to unlock the car but you were still stood frozen, not completely sure whether to allow him into your car. After all you just got new leather seats and that stuffs expensive, you didn't want him ruining it.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Open it!" He said, his eyes were excited, like a child playing with a new toy.

"Is that what I am? A toy?" You thought to yourself.

Nevertheless, you wanted to know what he was up to, what he had in mind. You walked up to the drivers side and unlocked the car, you both sat down and he stared at you expectantly.

"well...?" you asked

He didn't say a word but instead gave you a huge smile, showing off his one dimple and making his eyes disappear. Damn he's cute. He leaned over you to grab your Navigator and typed in an address.

"In one mile, turn left." It's robot voice echoed. Ugh you hated its stupid voice.

You put on your seat belt and followed it's instructions, gliding smoothly out of the parking lot.


"Arghh! Are we there yet?" You moaned.

"It's been hours." you sighed.

Zelo turned to you and flashed his killer smile.

"Almost there, sweetie!" He cooed.

What. The. Hell. Sweetie, who was he calling sweetie? You blushed a dark crimson red and looked away from him.

It was already dark outside and you were the only ones out on the road. You glanced down at the cars digital clock, 9:00PM it read. Well, since it wasn't that late you decided to endure it for a little longer. However, the silence had suddenly become uncomfortable and awkward.

"Oh, I'll just turn on the radio" You thought.

But apparently Candyfloss had the same idea as he reached his hand out for the button the same time you did. Your hands brushed together and you immediately pulled away, embarrassed by your face which was now glowing red.

"Why'd you move away?" He laughed as he grabbed your hand again and intertwined your fingers with his.


AYYYYY lmao I'm back, after much nagging from my friends at school.

HOWEVER!! I know this chapter is boring but I gotta put the cute stuff in somewhere, right? So, just keep on reading ~ the next few chapters are gonna be even cuter like u gonna die from the fluff.

so do a HUGE favour and vote♡follow♡comment! I love reading comments so please do leave a comment and tell me how u feel bout the story.

Aighhhttt peace out!

Day time Bully, Night time Lover (zelo fanfic b.a.p)Where stories live. Discover now