II - Heavy Stars

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( ii)


My eyes fluttered from the blinding light of the king of the sky up there. I glanced at the digital clock and it says past eight in the morning. I stretched my arms and a satisfying yawn escape from my mouth. A familiar scent hits my nose and I know very well who owns that. I remembered she spent the night in my room. I glance everywhere but my eyes didn't found the blonde. It seems she already left my room. She's an early riser, anyway.

I pushed myself to the bathroom and do my morning routine. Afterwards, I just grabbed my phone on my desk and drag my feet outside my room. At the very moment the door opened, my nosetrils was filled with mouthwatering aroma from brewed coffee.

I entered the kitchen which is just alongside the living room. A counter decorated with plant ornaments divided the rooms.

My eyes diverts from the prepared food on the dining table to the unaware blonde who's busy humming to a music from her phone that is on the countertop.

I walked carefully to avoid noise and went closer. I don't intend to get stabbed by a knife so, I waited for her to place it back or just when she's not touching the dangerous wedge.

She placed it back then, her hands suddenly reached the cupboard. That's my cue.

I reached for the cupboard, too, but my mission is to prevent her from opening it. But, I didn't imagine that, that simple move will startle her. And I mean startle like she made a swift turn to face me.

We're less than an inch close.

That made my plan backfire on me when I was the one who freaked out like I've seen life flash before me. I'm overacting but, whatever.


My feet began to step backwards and I almost lose my footing when she added a slap on my left arm and another. Good thing I didn't stumble upon the table or it will be an unfortunate accident.

"Jesus Christ! You scared the hell out of me!" And another slap.

"Ouch! Hey stop it! Your palms are like iron, it fucking hurts!" I whined when she stopped after fifth slap.

The blonde huffed and I can't helped but, cackle.

"I'm sorry, okay? I don't mean to make you call the Lord above. I'm sorry. It's a pretty bad move. Forgive me now, please?" I closed my palms and pout just like she can't resist me. I rarely use these powers.

"I hate you." She removed eye contact and went back to reaching the cupboard for a small bowl.

"You hate me." I repeated. "Can the person you hate help you with anything there?" I asked nicely.

I was facing her back and I noticed she was putting the sliced apples on the small bowl now. "Please, get the smoothie in the fridge." She ordered.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion for I believe I don't have that on my fridge. "I don't have any. But, I could buy smoothie at the fruit bar just across the building?"

She turned around and placed the small bowl of apple slices on the table. "Check it first, Jo." I could see her smirk and my curiosity made me to just comply.

And there I saw a pitcher of smoothie. I pick it up and closed the fridge with my elbow.

"When did you made this?" I asked while I eyed the pink smoothie. It smells yummy though.

"Just a while ago. But, I don't know if you're in the mood for smoothie or coffee so, I brewed espresso as well."

We both sat on the wooden chairs and I placed the pitcher on the table. "I think I'm in the mood for smoothie. This looks yummy." I settled.

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