Moving Forward

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OSO rubbed his brow as he ended the call. Another city, another fruitless search. Where could she be and why were all these incompetent fools unable to find her? With a thunderous cloud over his head he turned his attention to the take over documents in front of him.Gritting his teeth, he omitted all the more lenient clauses in the agreement - why should he show leniency or mercy to the weak? He was here to run a business, not a charity. This world had only taken from him - his every happiness... his every joy... his Gauri. Until it returned his personal angel to him, he would only take from this world, he would take his revenge from this world... her revenge from this world. This cruel world had taken such an innocent soul and presented her before that monstrous Kali. It had watched as if viewing a play as that lecherous man weaved a web of heinous intentions around Om's defenceless chirraya. OSO would not allow this to go unpunished. Having already demolished the community that bore witness to his angel's helplessness without lifting a finger to aid her, he had now turned his anger on the rest of the world. He had become judge, juror and executioner of anyone who crossed his path, showing no kindness because there was no heart in his chest to compel him to do so. His heart had been ripped out and he had spent the past three years trying to find it.

"Om! What are you doing in here? Everyone is outside enjoying the party. You should be out there with us." Riddhima had burst into his study without invitation, and strutted over to his desk.

Looking up from the file in front of him, OSO glared at her coldly.

"Firstly, my name is Omkara Singh Oberoi, but Mr Oberoi will do for you. Do not try to create familiarity between us when there is none there. Secondly, with whose permission did you enter my study? Just because I do not stop you entering this house, do not forget your limits. Get out!" he spoke quietly, his voice barely above a whisper, but each word was cutting and warned of impending doom.

A wiser woman would have fled but shrugging off his hostility, Riddhima leaned against his desk. When Pinky Singh Oberoi had contacted her, requesting her to return, she had jumped at the chance - after all becoming an Oberoi bahu had been a dream of hers for so long. She had known that Om had married some illiterate nobody, but that girl had apparently been unable to handle the pressure, and run away from the Oberoi Mansion. Her loss, but Riddhima's gain. Now if only Omkara would propose to her, then he would know what a real sophisticated wife was, but he had swapped his statues for paperwork, and become a workaholic of a different kind. The kind that made more money than imaginable, which she had no issue with, but he did not even acknowledge anything other than business now. Oh well, aaj nahin toh kal (today or tomorrow), he would realise how much he needed her.

"Come on Om, after all that we've been through, there's no use playing hard to get... Actually I wanted to talk to you about that. I think it's time we take the next step. Mom and Dad are here for the next month, so I think we should get engaged now and have the wedding in London in a few months. Pinky Aunty - sorry, Choti Maa - has already started the arrangements. I was thinking pink and peach for the colour scheme, with accents of red. What do you think?" Riddhima eagerly asked his opinion.

For a split second OSO was gripped by the insane urge to laugh, but as he had not done so in the past three years and was unsure of his ability to, he went with his secondary inclination to explode at the absurdly presumptuous woman in front of him.

"Are you out of your mind?! How can you come in here and start harping on about colour schemes?! I don't want to breathe the same air as you and you think I want to marry you?! You disgust me! How could you even contemplate that I would marry you? Incase you haven't noticed, I already have a wife!" OSO thundered. The nerve of this woman!

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