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1 day

1 week

1 month.. 1 month has past, and within that one month I haven't seen Jungkook. It was definitely difficult, nights were cold, mornings were lonely.

I watched the TV as I saw Jungkook came up. I sadly smiled gripping the white t shirt of his in my hands. "I miss you" I mumbled. I sighed and got up walking to my room and changing into some outdoor clothes. I got myself in a white hoodie paired with black jeans and a black bomber. I poping on a beanie and a pair of sneakers p, I headed out to the local cafe.




I flipped my head around to see a big crowd of girls. Jeon Jungkook? Walking over to the crowd, I carefully pushed through to get a eye of whoever was there. My heart stopped, Jungkook was there. We made eye contact and I froze in spot. It only lasted for a second before I was quickly pushed. Gaining back my senses I tried to get to him, take his hand

"wait, waIT, WAIT!!" I yelled dragging my feet where he was. His figure slowly got lost in the crowd as him and the members were struggling to get away. Once they left, I flopped to the ground. I missed him so damn much. If only I could hold him in my arms, kiss his soft forehead, laugh, and love with him.

I was sobbing on the ground. People were walking past me as if I wasn't ever there. When I got up, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"YAH! WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING WILL YOU?!" I looked up to see a man in a suit, probably in his late 60's. He had two body guards around him and looked terribly wealthy. I rolled my eyes and mumbled a sorry. I saw him signal his body guards. They walked in front of him and grabbed my arms. My eyes widened in shook shaking my whole body trying to escape from the hold.

"LET GO BUM BUM!" I yelled. "DAD!" I heard. "Let her go" I saw a boy said. He was stunning, not gonna lie. The old man glared at me and signal the guards to let go. I could tell the dad was angry as he walked away furiously.

"Thank you so much" I bowed. The boy smiled and let out his hand "Felix" I smiled and shook his hand "Yura, nice to meet you"



Yura.. YURA! I looked back trying to get a peak of her beautiful face, only to be seeing my fans. I love seeing them but I miss Yura so much. I lowered my head letting a few tears slip out of my eyes. I haven't seen her in a month. I miss holding her in my arms and kissing her forehead. I miss snuggling with her every night we were together and the laugher we shared.

if only you knew how I feel right now Yura..


Felix and I went to a coffee shop and chatted, he had a beautiful stunning smile. His personality somewhat reminds me of Jungkook's which only made me miss him more.

"Uh so do you have a boyfriend?" Felix asked looking down blushing a tiny bit. I smiled and beamed him a smile. "I do but he's away right now, we haven't seen eachother in a month" I sniffled, my smile immediately vanishing away

"ONE MONTH?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" He Felix yelled standing up slamming his hands onto the table. I pushed in back down to his seat and sighed

"Can we just skip this topic, talking about him just makes me miss him even more" I mumbled resting my face in between my hands


Felix and I talked for a long time, it was already 8pm and the stores manger had to kick us out. I plopped on my bed after getting dressed into some comfy clothes and snuggled beneath my covers

Staring at the other side of the bed, my heart began to feel heavy. I hate this, I hate all of this. Pulling out my phone, I checked for some news I missed talking to Felix.





My finger stopped, what? I quickly tapped on the news article and quickly read through it. It showed proof, pictures of what seems to be Jungkook's back and a girl beside in linking arms. The jealousy for the best of me, I threw my phone across the bed and buried my face in my pillow

Is this what you were doing all along Jeon Jungkook? I punched his number in my phone and brought up to my ear. He didn't pick up so I called him again again and again. I was out of control sobbing now, was he really cheating?

"YAH JEON J-" I began immediately getting cut off.

"HANG UP NOW" I heard a girls voice. My eyes widened, I dropped my phone and buried my face in my knees.

Guess it is true huh?



This is Bang Bora, Shes Bang sihyuks daughter and is apparently obsessed with me. Lucky for her, she's 2 years older than me so she has more power over me.

"I SWAER TO GOD IF THAT IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND I WILL TELL DADDY YOUR DATING" she screamed even more, her Cheeto breathing repeatedly hitting me face. I softly pushed her away form me. "do it" I glared at her before walking out to the dance room.


"WHAT? NO!" I yelled at bang PD.  Tears welling up my eyes as I drop to the ground. "No please please please" I cried. I could feel bora smirking behind me

"She is a distraction to him too! You know, she called him around 10 times in a row!" She said proudly

"I'm sorry Jungkook, but you know how strict our dating policy is, plus she's a distraction?" Bang pd said softy

"We haven't talked to eachother in a month" I started off "than do it now" he said. I stared at him shocked, relieve on my face

"and break up with her"

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