More Risks

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Alek stands once more, slowly to keep his balance. He clenches his jaw, using the chalk.

The portal opens and leads to Darnassus He falls through, the support of the wall gone. He closes the portal, getting on his feet.

He can see the Nigh Elves and a few Wargons are building the village again. Nixxiom is helping build his tree house with Maria.

"N-Nixxiom!" Alek tries to walk faster, tripping. He grunts and gets up and continues walking with much effort.

Nixxioms ear flicks and he looks to the side. He sees Alek and hops down from the tree. He walks over "Alek... let me take you to Aowin."

"N-no, sir, Bridgette, she went back!" Alek holds himself up, his legs shaking. "Y-you have to get her!"

He shakes his head and helps Alek stand. He looks to where Titan is and nods his head. Titan nods back. Nixxiom looks back to Alek "I know she went back Alek. I told her to."

Alek looks at him in confusion, pulling back and trying to keep himself steady. "You what?!"

"Alek, calm yourself." He turns to face him with a blank expression "I trust Bridgette to do the right thing."

"Sir that hasn't exactly worked out in light of recent events!" He leans against a tree, unable to continue to stand. "Oh my heavens!" He brings his hands to his head. "W-what if she gets hurt or Timber..."

"Alek, I command you to stop." He looks at him sternly. "You think I would just hand her over without a plan? I know what I'm doing. And she does too." He sighs "When I gave her the idea she was sobbing... and it crushed my heart to do it but we needed something."

Alek looks at him with worried eyes. "Sir, what plan?"

"Your mind is already too strained, I need to bring you to Aowin." He picks up Alek and carries him to Aowins building.

She is taking care of a few wounded Night Elves in the infirmary and motions for Nixxiom to lay Alek on a bed.

"S-sir please! Tell me what is going on!" Alek tries to stand once more.

Aowin lays him back down and grabs something from a table. Nixxiom looks at him "I can't tell you anything until you are in better shape. Aowin will help you." She holds a cup to his lips that has a liquid inside looking like thick sparkly milk.

Alek looks at it skeptically. "Sir, I really don't think that..."

Aowin pinches a nerve and dumps the drink down his throat. She pinches the same nerve and whispers softly "Now shut your eyes.... and let the substance put you to sleep... in the morning, your mind will be cleared, and you will be healed..." She grabs her tools, and begins working on his wounds.

Alek's face looks confused, but finds himself unable to stay awake any longer, falling asleep.

When he wakes up, the sun shines brightly through the large windows and into the cozy infirmary. Aowin is sitting beside Alek's cot, reading a book.

Alek lays there, his mind confused. "What..." he said, not entirely sure what he was asking.

She looks at him. "Oh... you're awake... how do you feel?" She shuts the book.

He paused, looking over at her. "Better... I suppose..." he looks at where he was injured.

His chest and arms are bandaged, his legs having a few patches. He is cleaned up and is only wearing underwear.
"That's good..." She grabs a plate of fruit and holds it out to him "Eat. You need the energy."

He sighs, grabbing some. "Clothes could be nice..." he frowned, seeing how much thinner he looked. He slowly ate some of the fruit.

She nods and grabs his clothes, that are sewn and clean. "You are a very strong man. It's a surprise you weren't dead."

The Monarch - Book 3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum