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"Girll ms Williams had her baby last night" my best friend Autumn told me.

" ON GOD!?" i said shook. "Yeah the school didnt call u and tell u?" She asked

"No" i said. "Well they e-mail my momma and was like Ms Williams 2nd and 3rd period Will be having a  sub" she said.

"Damn it might be lit" Nyla said. "What if he a sexy ass teacher..20 years old" Autumn said clicking ha tongue.

"Or he a 50 year a grandaddy" i said. "Suga daddy sus" she said. I laughed. "Girl bye" i said hanging up. The group facetime.

She stay with some shit.

"JASMINE" my mom yelled.

I got up and walked downstairs.

"Yes?" I said. "Your school just called your be having a new teacher tomorrow. Heard its a he" she said winking.

"Eh..ok" i said turning around going upstairs. "Im having company over tomorrow so dont come home go ova your friend house kyla" she said.

"Nyla?..but ok" i said

I really dont have a relationship with my mom. When my dad died our relationship grew apart.

Dont get me wrong i love my mom. I just dont feel the need to be around her.

I grabbed some clothes to tek a shower.


"So u a teacher now ?" Ayo asked me. "No a sub..not a teacher" i said.

"Thats the same fucking-you know what do u" he said sliding his jacket on.

"Where u going?" I asked. "Nigga im going with u" he said. "For what?" I asked.

"Stawp asking so many question" he said rolling his eyes.


"So your mom said the teacher's a he"?" Nyla asked. "Yeah she didnt say how old or his name?" Autumn asked

"Nooooo damn" i said irritated by they questions. They kept talking about to each other so i walked ahead of them going to class

I walked in and saw nobdy was here yet.

Thank god

I sat in the back next to the window.

I pulled out my shit for this clas and waited untill the bell rung.

Nyla and Autumn walked in.

" damn ho just leave us" Nyla said sitting down i front of me. "Yall was getting on my nerves asking so many question" i said.

Autumn sat next to me. "Well yall wanna come ova my house after school" she asked. "Sure" i said. "Yeah" Nyla said.

Everybody else started coming in the class.

" JAS" i looked up and saw Malik 😒

" what malik" i asked. "Damm suh u not happy to see me?" He asked.

I smiled and sat up straight. "Oh my god..helllooo Malik" i said. He laughed.

"Malik go away she dont want shit to do with u boy" Nyla said.

" shut up Ni u always talking shit" he said

The bell rung amd Everybody sat down.

Where the fuck the teacher at ?!.

I put my head down "tap me when the teacher come" i said.

I felt somebody slap my arm then kick me..

i shot up so quick " Autumn wth" i whispered. "Look look look" she said. I look at the door and saw thus fine ass nigga with Afro walk in with this tall ass nigga with some blue dreads.

"Bittchhhh look at the tall one" Nyla.

I kept looking at the one with the Afro

" wassgud..this 3rd period right?" He said "yeahhhh" all the girls said.

Malik smacked his lips. "Well im Mat- i mean Mr.Bowles..damn that shit sound weird yall can just call me Mateo" he said.

Jessica started laughing being extra with it.

" oh yeah this Ayleo" he said.

"Helloo!" The tall one said sitting behind the desk.

"Girl I'll let him eat my out" Nyla whispered to me. I kicked her chair.

"Ight so..ian no teacher..- yo was subject is this?" He asked going his pocket pulling out a piece of paper.

"Math..oh ok" he said.

"Yall got any question?" He askesd

"How old are yall?" Jessica asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Im 18 he 21" he said.


"Bittchhh he one year older than us" Autumn whispered. "17..21 thats not rape is it?!" Nyla asked.

"Stfu" i said.

"Ight so roll call if i say yo name raise yo hand or say here" he said.

"Aye hand me that" he said. Ayleo handed him the piece of paper and went back on his phone.

"Ight so Kalyin?" He said.


I was looking at his lips the whole time. They so big and juicy.

He was tall he looked about 5'8 o or 9..his hair was ded but it fit him tho. He had some snake gucci pants on with a bape hoodie and some burglary Jordan's 7. He was decent.


Autumn hit me. "What?!" I asked. "Jasmine" everybody turned around and looked at me.

"Bitch say here" Nyla said.

"Im guesssing your Jasmine" he said smirking and looking bek at the paper

My face turned red and put My head down.


Ayo be looking finger lickin gooodd 😬😍

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