Bug catcher x Yan!Red (why ;-;): All Mine...

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<sigh> Why CuursedBlack Why.
Nonetheless here you go, man...


I stood outside of Route 1, I just came back from catching a few super-strong bug types. I stood by a fence near Pallet to catch my breath.

Why does Pallet have to be so far away from Viridian?

Nonetheless, I sat admiring my new catch: A Pinsir.

What, you expected me to have Kakuna and Metapod? I'm not a novice, you know.

I decided to camp here for the night. Besides, my rival lives near here. I don't know his name since he never talks. We met each other on his first day as a trainer.

He only had a level 7 Charmander and he beat my Beedrill (as a Weedle of course)!

When I asked him his name, he pointed to the red rim on his hat, so I just call him Red. Well, ever since then, we've been keeping in touch. Battling every so often that we see each other during our journeys. I was shocked to find out that he and his long time rival Blue managed to become champions!

Though, I noticed around the time I beat Koga's gym, he's become a lot more possessive around me.

Oh, did I mention that Red isn't the only friend of mine that lives here?

My girlfriend, Rachel, lives here too. Like me, she was a big catcher.

She's been missing for weeks now.

The last day I saw her was when Red caught us kissing.

Did I mention the only people that knew of our relationship was our families?

Red was somehow... broken by us. We were both embarrassed as hell, but he looked crushed. In fact, it was the only real emotion I ever saw Red show. Rachel said to just ignore it when I asked her about it, and said it was just out of shock.

She went missing the next day.

The real reason why I was coming to Pallet was to see Rachel's family. Sure, catching the Pinsir was nice, but all in all, I was worried sick about my girlfriend. Beedrill tried assured me she was just fine, but...

I sometimes hear her calling for help. I think I'm going crazy.

"Jonnathan! Help! Please! Jonnathan!" She'd scream. I'd hear her just as clear as I hear my breathing...

My name's Jonnathan by the way.

I heard her again. I flinched and hot tears streamed down my face.

"I'm sorry! Rachel! I'm sorry!" I screamed, "Just come back!!!"

I couldn't take it anymore. This was driving me crazy. She screamed for me again, with more of a hopeful tone to it. I recognized where it was coming from, and I ran to it.

I couldn't take this anymore. I soon found myself in front of Red's house.

'Red couldn't be doing this, could he?' I thought. Beedrill broke the door down and we ran to the more growing sound of her voice.

I found a bloody Red standing with his back to me, his Charizard standing in bloodlust. I noticed Red holding a knife. I looked in front of him and gasped.


She was ripped of her clothing. Her hair shaved. She was bruised, and broken. I noticed cuts all over body with many burns. Her breasts were cut and burned.

She looked nothing like the Rachel I knew, yet I recognized her immediately. I looked to Red.

"What did you do to her?!" I yelled. He stared blankly at the girls corpse. He then began laughing maniacally.

"I did what I had to!" He yelled, "She was in the way of us! A disease needing of treatment." He looked at me, "You shouldn't of seen this, you know." Beedrill tried to kill him, but Charizard interfered. The two started battling to the death. He looked at me maniacally.

"Now you're all mine..."

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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