Chapter 1: Plotting Professor

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A polymath, hailing from New Swissland, has arrived in America to show off his latest invention: the Sizerator 2000. Eager to present his masterpiece and win the prize 'for Inventing Stuff', the professor demonstrates the functions of his invention with aplomb. The ceremony would have gone perfectly, if it hadn't been for someone's reaction to this particular professor's name.

"Poopypants?" The lady presenting the trophy asks, her composed demeanor waning as she reads his name over. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"No, it's not a joke. It just so happens to be a traditional name vhere I'm from." The short German responds. "And, also, ze emphasis is on ze 'poop.'

The attending audience bursts into laughter. The professor, however is greatly aggravated by this. He gets so upset, in fact, that he zaps the lady with his sizerator, shrinking her down to the size of a mouse. The audience gasps in fear, and silence soon befalls the crowd.

"Not so funny now, is it?" Poopypants snaps. He exits the stage, and proceeds to his lab. "I don't understand," He starts, sitting in his rolling chair, "Vhy do zhey zhink my name is so funny? It's a perfectly normal name!" Poopypants reassures himself, kicking his feet up onto his lab table, and crossing one leg over the other.

A few days pass, with Poopypants getting more agitated every time he hears someone laughing, even if just within earshot. One day, however, someone triggers his breaking point. A little, nameless girl gets wind of his name after a small incident at a library. The girl, and the other people at the library laugh at Poopypants, despite the volume policy they have, and he gets flustered and storms out.

After returning to his dwelling-place, he starts developing a new creation. "Zhis vill show zhose mocking nuisances." He says to himself, putting the finishing touches on the interior design. His sights were set, but he was missing one minute thing. He had no idea how he would eradicate laughter. Pondering on this for weeks, he eventually sets the notion aside, for more pressing matters. One matter being, he needed a job. Unfortunately for him, his distinguished name interferes with his ability to find a permanent niche.

After a couple of years of job-hopping, Poopypants almost decides to concede. That is until he notices a job opening for a science teacher at Jerome Horwitz Elementary. "A science teacher...? Zhis could work in my favor!" He laughs, snatching the help wanted ad and heads back to his quarters.

Captain Underpants: Bad Dolphin AU; The Full StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz