Chapter 2: The Nerve of the Nerd

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The new science teacher was a little...odd. Not that any of the other teachers were picture perfect, but as long as they offered extra credit, their attendance was well-received by Melvin Sneedly. The smartest, at least on his terms, kid in the fourth grade. No one could contend with his intellect, for he had studied up on every subject possible. Well, every subject except his sociability. That isn't to say he doesn't know how to talk to people and hold a conversation, which he was completely capable of. No, instead, his issue was with friendship.

'There he goes again. Maybe I should try talking to him again? No. I shouldn't. I've got tons of studying to do.'  Melvin thinks, watching the school's infamous troublemakers pass by. He kept on, minding his own business, and making his way back to his home. 'Why'd Mr. Krupp have to leave George in my class? I'd be happier with-'  Before he could finish his thought, he is interrupted by Professor Poopypants, the atypical science teacher. He tells Melvin to get into his truck for an extra credit experiment. A strange request, but Melvin follows through with it, solely to receive the alleged extra credit.

Melvin is instructed by the professor to sit in a special chair that has a helmet secured to it. The red-head is compelled to ask for the application of the extra credit to come into play for the next semester, as his grade has already achieved its highest possible point for the current semester. The busy professor mindlessly agrees to this, and continues on with his plan. He jabs at a few keys on his super computer, and Melvin receives a small shock through the helmet.

Using the brain-scanning technology provided by his computer, the professor makes a huge discovery. Melvin's not really sure what he's so excited over. His best guess is that a neurological difference in one child could be some sort of breakthrough in the industry. Before he can think more on it, Poopypants grabs his attention once again, telling him to retrieve his toilet invention he presented at the Invention Convention. Professor Poopypants uses his Sizerator to 'largify' the Turbo Toilet 2000. Melvin notices Poopypants fiddle with another one of his productions, and stash it into the now giant toilet. "What's that for, Professor P?" He inquires.

"Oh, nozhing, let's just get zhis baby filled up. Now, where would someone find a reservoir of unlimited energy?" Poopypants questions in a rhetorical manner.

Melvin ponders for a moment, then conjures up an idea. "We could try the cafeteria back at the school! The food there is basically toxic, maybe it'll be enough to power this thing."

Following his teacher into the lunchroom of the building, Melvin has to wonder if this is a good idea. He pushes the thought aside. How could he ever say no to extra credit? It was his life-blood. Besides, he feared his parents' disappointment whenever he considered not accepting opportunities like this. Devoted to his decision, he helps haul the leftovers, which were the entire menu, over to the Turbo Toilet. Melvin couldn't wait to see what the professor had planned.

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