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hello, it's been a while. i am the author of 'was' and i came to thank you. i'm so thankful for all those who have read this book, voted, and commented. it now has 2K reads!! that's bizarre, thank you all for that.

i am no longer going to be on this account and i am still considering a sequel, though i might add a few touch up to the stories. the sequel will be on my new account hurricanejennifer :) thank you all for your support and love, coming back to see many votes was a wonderful surprise.

this story was written by a girl with an uncontrollable imagination, so maybe that's why it was a bit crazy. please go follow my new account and i will post more info on whether or not i will do a sequel. i will also write s'mores stories on there so if you'd like to dm me some ideas on who to write them about, feel free to on that account. thank you, i love all of my beautiful readers. bye ! xx

Hey. I have been considering to either re-write or make a sequel for this book. Mackenzie (I think) was supposed to be in middle school in this book. That means, there shouldn't have been a love triangle, but bullying, and middle school-ers self-harm has been common these days. I may just rewrite this book, leaving the first chapter the same, or I'll make a sequel, which will be more mature and a much better story. It'd be on hurricanejennifer though.

If you'd like that, make sure you comment below, and I'll consider it. Either re-writing or creating a sequel. This story isn't terrible but it could be better.

Thank you lovelies.

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