Chapter 16

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Yugi won. For 13 years, he actually won. Then he remembered, this duel was EXACTLY like the one in Dualist Kingdom when he was 16. "It's good to see you again, Yugi." Yami said. "You too." Yugi said. Yami turned to see that Vivian, Joey, and Mai have been freed. "Daddy?" Vivian said slowly. "Vivian!" Yugi ran. He grabbed he and hugged her. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Never better." she smiled. "Hey Yug!" Joey said. "It's good to see you, Joey. How are you Mai?" Yugi asked. "Good. Long time no see, Yugi." she said. Yugi smiled. "And you," Joey said towards Vivian," Come here and give your uncle a hug!" Vivian ran to hug him. Yugi smiled and walked over to Pegasus. "You, you're going to jail. For torturing others who didn't need it." He said. "Fine. but this isn't the en Yugi-Boy. I'll return." Pegasus said. he was taken away. Bakura and Marik came down to see everyone. "Is everyone ok?" Marik asked. "Yes. We're all fine. and thank you both." Vivian thanked Bakura and Marik. She walked up and kissed them on the cheek. They both blushed.

"Ready?" Yugi asked Vivian. "Ready what?" She asked confused. "To go home." Yugi smiled. "Yes." she laughed. "Hey Yug, you don have a place do ya? I think you should live with us!" Joey yelled. "Haha sure Joey." Yugi laughed. They all went home.

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