Chapter 8: more help

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They couldn't believe who they saw..
"Bakura! long time no see!" The person said. Bakura instantly turned his surprise face into an annoyed face. "Marik?" He asked. "Yup! the one and only." Marik said. Marik had tannish hair and wore a shirt that showed his mid-rift. Also he had black pants. "Who's that, Bakura?" Marik pointed at Vivian. "None of your buisness, Marik." Bakura replied.
"Why so harsh? I just asked who it was."
"Because, like I said, it's none of your buisness."
Vivian just stood there, then she walked up to Marik and held out her hand. "I'm Vivian. Vivian Mutou ." She said. Marik reached out to shake her hand slowly. He just met Yugi Mutou's daughter. "Nice. To meet you." he paused in his sentences. "Are you ok?" She asked. "Yea." Marik said. "Well, it was nice chatting with you but we need to go." Bakura rushed pulling Vivian's hand. "What's the rush?" Marik asked. "Look, Vivian and I are going out-" Bakura got cut off by Marik. "YOUR GOING OUT WITH HER?" Marik shouted. "If you'd let me finish! Vivian and I are going out TO FIND Joey and Mai. We are not dating." Bakura explained. "Oh,never mind." Marik said. Marik started to leave, slowly. "Wait! Marik!" Vivian called up to Marik. he turned. "Wanna come with us and help?" She asked. "Wait, your letting him come? he'll annoy you as he did me!" Bakura yelled. "look, there's no need to yell. Maybe he knows about my dad. or my uncle and aunt." she said. "Well, as long as Bakura doesn't call me 'Binky Boy', I'll come." Marik stated. "Well.. Are you?" she asked. "No." Bakura said. "Great! then it's settled. we'll head out in the morning." Vivian said. they all went to sleep by trees.

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