By that moment, the other side of his unleashed his war inside of the moving car as his claws puncture through leather chairs, carpeted floor, glass windows, and car ceiling.

    Jack could hear his superior's war on the back side of the limo but he chose to stay out of it; his will is not strong enough to at least stand up against a raging dominant.

    Jack continued to drive, ignoring his superior's heavy breathing at the back as he monitored the sleek black car that is following them the moment they left the mansion.

    He made sure to keep the limo's speed half minimum since he could sense that they're being spied on. He also made sure to take the routes on the more secluded areas and other routes to prolong their arrival at their designated destination; buying time for his dom to get a grip of himself while also conducting a decision if they'll continue on to their destination or lose the spying car first. He isn't the best guard the Rileys have for no reason.

    He could sense the spies talking something before they started to drive their car faster to the point of almost ramming against the limo.

    Jack slightly panicked as he swervved the limo a second before the car could even slam against it.

    He looked at the car that slightly got disoriented before speeding away, his foot pressing the gas more as the car finally balanced itself.

    "The fuck?!" Grayson roared as he felt the limo jerk away from the lane they were suppose to be on. He looked at the rearview mirror to catch his guard's eyes whose eyes are darting to the road and behind them.

    Looking closely at the rearview mirror, he noticed the car in the distance trying to catch up to them before cursing under his breath.

    He let his other side surge forward again as they assess their surroundings.

    'Good' he thought when he realized they're in a secluded area. The trees are giving them an effective chance to hide from prying eyes. The road they're in leads to the outskirts of New York that leads further to the countryside.

    He licked his canines that had grew with a feral look in his face. He felt himself drifting back to the times of his youth; the excitement and anticipation for blood, the feeling of his nerves and body startling alive; ready for battle, and the thirst that only bloodshed can quench.

    "Stop the car." He ordered as his posture straightened, head rising high with fire in his eyes. He could feel the surpressed power raging inside him like a fire greedily swarming around the ground, burning everything in its path.

    Jack obediently did as told, his eyes catching his dom's dark eyed gaze one more time finally realizing what the old man is going to do. A wild smile graced his lips, feeling giddy of witnessing his dom's strength after being silent for so many years.

    When the limo came to a stop at the side of the road, Grayson smirked at his guard who's looking back at him with the same feral smile before saluting him in a silent message as he hops out.

    "Let's welcome these mutts and show them what an ol Riley can do" was his last words before dashing into the trees to execute what his nature demands him to do.


    Grayson can't help the dread and fear that coursed through his entire being like a freezing ice running through his veins as his body freezes and chilling pain engulfs him.

    It's ironic how he is so bloodthirsty and godly high one moment only to turn into a quivering pup a few minutes later.

    His hands tried to tap on his cellphone, fingers shaking to the point of nearly dropping the phone off as his nerves go into haywire. Sweat trickled his face as he rattlely tap on the phone screen, cursing as his fingers and hands won't stop shaking and having blood smudging the wide rectangular screen.

    "Faster!" He ordered Jack as Jack swervved the limo even faster, instantly leaving away the carcass that was left behind them from his dom's wrath.

    He willed himself to stay calm but his dom's rattled movements has him getting so agitated. His hands trembled against the steering wheel as he willed himself to grip it harder to at least set the limo on course.

    "Fuck!" Grayson screamed frustratedly as he couldn't get the damn phone to cooperate with them. His breathing is coming out in short pants and ragged puffs as his frustration heightens along with his agitation and dread. He could feel a pounding headache forming at the back of his head but he willed himself to contact Zach as soon as possible.

    He needs to save them.

    He needs to help them.


    AN: I wonder what happened? *smirks deviously* 😈 *smacks face* I really need to stop watching Bad Genius since it's turning me bad. *grimaced*

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