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2:36 pm

>> They say "be careful for what you wish for", but I wasn't.
I still wished for you, prayed for you and look where it got me.
No where.
I'm surrounded by the ruins and wrecks of our once soul-twinning love.
Birds don't sing of beauty anymore, thunder claps of rage, heartbreak and anguish.
Aurum and amber of the sun does not prevail upon me anymore, cold and obsidiance of the night does.
Complete and utter anguish.
I'm stuck between the realms of agony and suffering.
My heart does not feel whole anymore and how could it? When you took the alive part of it with you.
I hope you are okay because I am not.
And I cannot blame anyone.
It was all me.
My choice to let you in.
My choice to open my petals.
My choice to breathe you, now you have become tar in my veins.
Addictive poison that I cannot live without. They warned me but I did not care.
You were a fresh wave bliss but you are also the reason why now everything smells like death and rot.
They warned me but I did not care.
Because I was bewitched by you.
A Satan in disguise.
My tormentor.
My punisher.
My prison.
My life.
And now my death.

-Fatima Shaikh.

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