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The story will need a change in language, but I'll be typing it with English. So I placed some indications whether what language they might be using. The [KR] placed at the start of every sentence means it was spoken in Korean. I just wrote it in English for convenience. I sometimes put [EN] if they spoke Korean and English in one sentence or paragraph. But no indication can mean English or Korean, depends whether the character was acting or not. But keep in mind that the character knows Korean.

"Y/n-ssi, do you know BTS?" PD-nim asked
"Yes sir." I immediately replied
"Good" he showed that murderous smile again, "then I assume, you've heard or even watch them yourself. Sometimes I give out missions or prank them for hidden cams, for the boys to entertain their fans and for them to have fun as well. It is one of my strategies to have deep connections between them and the ARMYs..." he trailed "what I'm trying to say is, I'm giving you a mission. On cam or off cam, you don't have to worry yourself about it, we blur out staffs for privacy. The thing is, I want you to act as if you don't speak Korean. You have to keep your act for a week; you have to interact with the boys for them to challenge their English. If you're not aware, Namjoon is already good at it so If possible I want you to speak with them without him or individually to make it not-so obvious." He stopped "are you keeping up Miss Y/n-ssi?"

"Ah, yes, yes PD-nim" I nodded. But I think he saw my worried face because hell, how will I do it? I might crack up and lose the mission in not time.

"Just relax, that's my advice. I will inform the staffs about this so will have help along the way." He smiled to assure me, and dialed the telephone which I assume to call some staff. He called twice before someone came in his office.

"[KR] PDnim-" He stopped as he saw me sitting, more like frozen glued to my chair, and bowed to greet.

"[KR] oh Namjoon-ssi, It's good you're here." PD-nim said as he stand and went in front of his table so I did the same, at least I managed a smile. He continued, "[KR]This is Y/n-ssi." I acted right away, looking confused and shocked to hear my name. PD-nim looked at me and said "Introduce Yourself"

"Hello, I'm y/n. Nice to meet you." I looked at Namjoon and smiled.

"Hello, Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Namjoon." He smiled showing his dimples as if it wasn't illegal

"[KR] Ah Namjoon-ssi, how's your practice?" PD-nim asked

"[KR] Yes, I actually came here to inform you. We're having a break and we ordered pizza, we want you to eat with us sir." Namjoon grinned

"[KR] Okay then, I would also like to introduce y/n-ssi to the others. [EN] Let's go?" PD-nim said and gestured me to exit the room.

We rode the elevator and went up for more floors. The elevator ride was hotter than it normally was, being inside it while standing next to Namjoon feels like being in a pressure cooker, and here we thought he can't cook. I almost got baked by his presence. Thankfully the elevator dinged after what felt like forever. And we both followed PD-nim. We stopped at a door which I assumed to be their practice room. Namjoon opened the door and waited for us to enter. Every step I take feels like in slow motion, my heart was beating with every step, it was beating so hard that I thought I might have a headache. The bright lights aren't helping; I thought I'm gonna faint. When I got back to my senses, we were already in front of everyone and Namjoon was back with the boys.

"[KR] Everyone, we have a new staff. She doesn't speak Korean but I hired her because of her determination. And also, she needs money. So be good to her." PD-nim started "[EN] y/n-ssi, please introduce yourself"

"Hi~ my name is Y/n and I hope we'll be friends despite the language barrier. Please take care of me" I smiled and bowed. I can feel my whole face burning; I hope I didn't look uglier.

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