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Quick A/N. Okay. Guys. GUYS. I haven't updates in 2 months. Can I just say how terrible I feel? Can I?


I literally feel so happy yet terrible at the same time. And I said this would be a quick A/N, so OMG THANK YOUUUUUUU😍

Tris POV.

My hand rests against his chest. His broad, tan chest. Tobias. I don't want to open my eyes. Just yet. I can feel his steady breathing and his heartbeat. Bum. Bum. Bum. His arms are wrapped around my waist, pulling me close. I tuck my head under his neck, like he's the protective daddy and I'm the little kangaroo.

I open my eyes and they immediately meet his. His deep blue eyes. They were so blue. They held so much. I remembered the first time I stared into those blue eyes.

I don't think. I just bend my knees and jump. The air howls in my ears as the ground surges toward me, growing and expanding, or I surge toward the ground, my heart pounding so fast it hurts, every muscle in my body tensing as the falling sensation drags at my stomach. The hole surrounds me and I drop into darkness.

I hit something hard. It gives way beneath me and cradles my body. The impact knocks the wind out of me and I wheeze, struggling to breathe again. My arms and legs sting.

A net. There is a net at the bottom of the hole. I look up at the building and laugh, half relieved and half hysterical. My body shakes and I cover my face with my hands. I just jumped off a roof.

I have to stand on solid ground again. I see a few hands stretching out to me at the edge of the net, so I grab the first one I can reach and pull myself across. I roll off, and I would have fallen face-first onto a wood floor if he had not caught me.

"He" is the young man attached to the hand I grabbed. He has a spare upper lip and a full lower lip. His eyes are so deep-set that his eyelashes touch the skin under his eyebrows, and they are dark blue, a dreaming, sleeping, waiting color.

Tobias stares at me. My mind goes through everything. My heart wrenches at the thought. I've been through so much, and now I'm safe, safe with Tobias, the one I truly love.

Tobias continues staring at me, and I almost laugh at his seriousness. Then he finally says, "Good morning, Tris." I almost laugh at that too. I say nothing, but kiss him lightly in return.

He wraps his arms around me tighter. He kisses me lightly, on my nose, my forehead, my lips. His full lips meet mine and we crash. Our kissing intensifies, each time pulling me closer against him. I recognize this: he's kissing me with lust.

I think of my seventh fear. The thought of having sex or ever having any session with anybody-it disgusted me. But I loved Caring, Deep, Tobias. I also loved Intelligient, Witty, Tobias. But Creepy, Lustful, Tobias had always scared me a bit.

I was not supposed to do this. I pull away, ashamed. Tobias looked at me and mumbled a sorry. But then he hugged me tight and said, "I love you, you know."

And I knew he loved me, not my body.

He breaks the silence. "Uh, so do want to go to this party later? I, I just want to spend some time with you."

"Yes. Yes, of course."


A/N again.

This is like a page long but I just wanted to update..... Well happy June first!!! :-)

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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