Countdown to Nineteen

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A/N First of all, OHMYGODS 760 READS !! AHHHH💟💟😊😊😊 i love all your comments and votes and reads and i just love you all !! And... I finally finally got this account to work so yayyy !! I'll try to update at least once a week. Ily💜 -Anners:-]


Tris POV.

Tobias leaves me standing in the middle of the Pit. Really?! I start to think of so many reasons of why he would've left me here for so long. I sigh loudly and right then I see a tall figure approach me.

It's Christina.

"Heyy!! Tris, it's almost your birthday!! Yippee!! Anyway, we better get you out of those drab clothes. You absolutely need to look fabu. Let's get you ready!"

She grabs me by the arm without even letting me say a 'hi'. She literally drags me past so many stores before pulling me into an old 'Dauntless Parties N More'.

Christina skips the front of the shop and hurries to the back. She starts weaving through the many aisles and sections until we arrive at the Dress Section.

I try on many different dresses including a canary yellow one that she immediately dislikes, a purple gown that she says is too 'elegant', a blue one that she says is 'not my style', until we settle on a black dress.

The dress is mid-thigh length, and has spaghetti straps. A thick, completely sequined belt ties across, and the skirt part is flowy. Christina also makes me buy a loose knitted cardigan, for reasons I have no idea.

I dress up and when I come out she lets out a gasp. "Tris, you look stunning." I blush profusely and mumble a thanks. She then grabs her makeup bag and starts to line my eyes. The feeling is itchy.

When she's done, she smiles at her work and says, "There. Now you look fabulous." She pauses, as if for dramatic effect. "You'll also need to wear this blindfold." What?

Christina ties the loose fabric over my eyes and I groan. What is this....

Christina grabs me by the shoulders and leads me out of the shop. Where is this leading to? As if she could read my mind, she says, "Don't worry. We'll be going somewhere you know." Is it the cafeteria? Christina's apartment? My own?

I sigh inwardly and continue walking.

Tobias POV.

"Hey dude, are you ready? Oh man, this is gonna be such a blast!" Zeke pesters me so much. I roll my eyes and my thoughts lead to Tris. I hope she likes this party me threw for her.

Just then, the door creaks open and my eyes divert. To her. Tris. She looks so, so gorgeous. She just makes me want to kiss her so much. "HEYY....Earth to Four!!" My eyes snap to reality and Tris still has her blindfold on. Zeke waves his hand in front of my face.

Right. I get up silently while the others watch. I walk over to Tris and cup my hands on her face. Her skin is cold and she is startled. I kiss her quietly and try to make it foreign. She isn't supposed to guess who kissed her.

After I retreat, Tris takes off her blindfold and all of us yell and shout "SURPRISE!" She gasps and immediately smiles. Oh God. Seeing her smile is beautiful.

Christina sits in front of her. "So, Tris, can you guess who kissed you?" She blushes and scans the room. When her eyes lock on mine, I divert them. Ah geez. Tris smiles and says, "I guess..." She holds out her guess. "...hmm....Tobias."

I blush and the rest yell in agreement. Zeke yells the loudest, "DUDEEE! NOBODY CALLS HIM TOBIAS ANYMORE!" He already seems drunk. Tris laughs and makes her way over to me. I pull her into my arms and whisper, "Happy Birthday." She giggles. "It's not my birthday, Four."

Uriah announces our game. "Let's play Candor Or Dauntless." We sit in a circle and Tris sits across from me. After some back and forth nonsense, Tris has lost one piece of clothing and I have lost none. Will asks Tris. "Tris, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Uhhh... Dauntless."

"Okay. I dare you to kiss Uriah." Tris's cheeks quickly redden and I silently pray she won't. I won't take any of it. As if she could hear me, Tris stands up and beckons Christina to unzip her dress.

The dress falls around her ankles. I can't help but stare. Her body is captivating. I try not to stare and I can feel my face heat up.

"Tobias, Tobiasss...." I wake from my trance and see Tris giggling at me. "Candor or Dauntless?"

I take a long time to think. What could Tris possibly want from me? Her dares are pretty scary, actually.

"Umm, candor." I hear lots of 'oohs' and 'chicken' but I couldn't care less.

"Okay. Tobias, have you ever had another girlfriend?" I haven't, actually, but I couldn't tell all of them. So instead, I chicken out again and slide my shirt off. I can feel Tris's eyes burning on me. Is she jealous? Does she think I have had other girlfriends too? What if she thinks I love them more than her? Suddenly, the room is stuffy and her eyes are burning a hole through me.

I hear her get up and leave the room. I hear the others snickering.

What have I gotten myself into?

Four + Six = LoveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum