“You're not mad at me?” Jungkook asks, his face registering total shock. “I've never made you pass out before.”

Jimin shrugs and climbs off of the bed to straddle Jungkook's hips. “It's not any worse than the time you made me bleed for an hour when we tried knife play.”

“That's true.” Jungkook's fingertips graze the hem of Jimin's shirt and slide underneath it to lightly scratch his back. Just when he's about to lean in, there's a knock on the door, and Jimin springs back into his bed before Jungkook can even blink.

The door opens, revealing a young female nurse. “Jimin, Dr. Zhang needs to speak with you. It's about Hoseok's test results.” Jimin nods and, after exchanging a glance with Jungkook, follows the nurse out of the room and down the hallway, staying quiet and polite the whole time, even on the elevator ride to another floor. When they reach Dr. Zhang's office, the man is pacing back and forth and frowning over his chart. He puts it down though when he sees the nurse and Jimin standing there.

“Ah, thank you Ming-Yu for bringing Jimin.” Ming-Yu bows and leaves the two men to talk. “Jimin, I'm sure you're aware of just how serious Hoseok's condition has been.”

“Yes, Dr. Zhang. Is he okay?”

“Actually, he's better than we could have expected.” The doctor smiles. Jimin searches for a hint of fakeness or hesitation in his smile but finds none. “Being his doctor, that's all I can tell you.”

“So, why am I here?” Jimin settles into one of the chairs in front of his desk.

The smile is gone from Dr. Zhang's lips in an instant. “He told us that he never wants to see you again, and he wants you to stay away from him if you see him anywhere.”

“What?” Jimin's entire being floods with anger, but he forcefully pushes it down. “But he's one of my closest friends!”

“Jimin, you have to understand, this is for his benefit and for him to get better. Don't you want that for him?”

Jimin forces tears from his eyes (they're tears of anger, but the doctor doesn't have to know that) and bows his head. “Of course I do.” After a few minutes of silence, he lifts his head. “Did you need anything else? Or can I maybe help somehow?”

“Thank you for understanding.” Dr. Zhang walks to the door and places his hand on the handle, hesitating a moment and looking back at Jimin as he stands up. “That's all, Jimin. Just remember what I told you.” He opens the door and Jimin walks out, being met with Ming-Yu again so she can escort him back to his room. He sees Hoseok passing by, and the two lock eyes for a split second before Hoseok whips his head around to pay attention to whatever the patient next to him is telling him.

Jimin looks after him longingly, and he sighs with longing as he gets back to his room and leans against the door. Jungkook is in front of him in an instant. “Hyung? What happened?”

“Hoseok-hyung said he doesn't want to see me anymore, and I'm not allowed to talk to him.” He starts pacing back and forth, his hands tangling in his hair. “This won't do. This just will not fucking work. I had plans, Jungkook-ah!”

Jungkook thinks he knows what the older is talking about, but he tilts his head to the side anyway and asks “What kind of plans, hyung?”

“I was going to have him kill himself, and then I was going to kill myself so we could be together forever.” A soft, choppy laugh. “But I can't do that now.” He stops in his tracks when he sees the stricken, hurt look on Jungkook's face. “That was before you got here, and before they took my knives away.” Jimin settles in Jungkook's lap, and presses close to him. “As long as I have you Jungkookie, I don't need him.”

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