(N E V E R) A W E A K Q U E E N

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"She's known as gentle," they said, planning their attack. "She won't fight back. She's the weak link."

Perhaps they were right to assume so. After all, it was Lucy's faith that was the strongest link. Peter was a strong link with his leadership. And Edmund would never again betray his siblings.
But gentle doesn't mean weak.

"She'll be easy to take," they said, smiling to themselves. "She's also a great loss to Narnia."

Perhaps they were right to assume so. After all, Susan was known to only use violence as a last resort. She would be a great loss to Narnia, with her diplomatic skills.
But gentle doesn't mean weak.

"Be quiet. Ladies such as these won't need much persuasion to come quietly;" they said.

Perhaps they were right to assume so. After all, they were outnumbered. Susan and her ladies-in-waiting were only having a tea party under a willow tree. They were dressed in soft clothing and spoke in genteel tones.
But gentle doesn't mean weak.

"Come quietly and no one will get hurt!" they said.

Perhaps that would have worked on most people. After all, the ladies were surrounded and outnumbered.
But gentle doesn't mean weak.

Daggers and swords are sometimes hidden behind smiles and dresses.

Later, the stories spread. Stories of men trying to kidnap the gentle queen. Stories of her and her ladies taking charge of the situation.

As before said,

G E N T L E  D O E S  N O T  M E A N  W E A K

And perhaps, people will learn.

Do not underestimate the gentle ones. For daggers hide behind smiles and swords behind dresses.

For Narnia and for ASLANKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat