Magnificent, Gentle, Just and Valiant

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A/N trigger warning for death/killing mentions. Stay safe, loves.

It was a hard adjustment for them. The order of their lives changed completely. They were no longer the queens and kings of a land, but small children in a scary world.

The Magnificent, who never felt worthy of the title in the first place, became more humble. As the oldest, his responsibilities to stay strong, to be the leader held his head high, but no one could understand but Susan.

The Gentle began to toughen. She had never been weak, but gentleness didn't get a girl very far here. There's no room for silk in a world of leather. She began to on a mask, a war paint of sorts. She began to act like a child instead of the woman she was.

The Just became rash, the graveness of his adulthood wearing off. The unfairness of their circumstances angered him. The place where so much had changed for him, the place where he had been redeemed was gone.

The Valiant was afraid. Her small stature was so unlike the tall and beautiful woman she had become. She could still fight, she still knew how to use her small hands in many ways. But a warrior knows her strengths and limited. And the limits were different.

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