1. The Call

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It was bad.

She was really sick.

When I called in at the Army, he wasn't there. "Hes In Action" he said. " I need him home, as soon as possible" I replied, I paused not wanting to let those words slip out my mouth. "Shes got Cancer, Jack. Please?" It was silent.

"I'll try my best Skye, but I can't promise anything"

The phone cut-off.

It wasn't until I was cooking Mum dinner when my phone rang, reaching for it, I slide the answer button lifting it and putting it to my ear.


"Jack" I breathed. "Hes on his way, caught them just before they moved to there next location", "Thank You" I said in a whisper, a tear leaving my eye. " It'll be alright you know, your a strong girl Skye" I Smiled. "Thanks Jack, I'll let you know how it all goes when I can". "Sounds good" He chuckled shutting the phone off.

I put my phone down and turned the hob off, I poured the soup into a bowl and plated some buttered bread. I put it on a tray and headed upstairs to Mums room, "Hi Mum" I said pushing the door open. "Hi Sweetie" She answered in a whisper, "Made you some dinner" I slightly lifted the tray and smiled walking over and placing it on her lap. I Sat down on the end of the bed.

"Dads on his way" I said looking up at her. "Skye" she says sternly and gives me a disapproving look.

"Mum have you seen yourself?" I snapped back raising my voice a little, "Skye" She said  "No, do you know how hard its been, seeing you get Ill, getting worse and worse each day? And then out of the blue today I get a call from the hospital saying you have Cancer and that I need to come and get you, because your to Ill to get yourself home." I pause to take a breath standing up.

"Skye" she says softly, putting the tray on the bedside table next to her. "No... Mum... I Can't Loose you. Not Yet" I cry sitting down next to her, She wraps her arms around me holding me tight "We've just got to savour every minute" she whispers in my ear stroking my head.

I woke up next to Mum 'Must have fallen asleep' I think to myself getting out of bed. I check on her and head straight for the bathroom. I pull down a towel from the cupboard, lock the door and undress myself. Reaching into the shower and turning it on.

After showering I went into my room to change, I put on my white skinny jeans and navy blue oversized jumper. I brush my knotty hair out before blow drying it. I check on Mum 'Still Sleeping' I smile and head down stairs to make breakfast.

I finish plating the last pancake and the doorbell rings, I make sure everything's turned off and head for the front door.

"Dad" I Say Leaping forward and wrapping my arms around his neck, I feel his arms wrap around my back. "How are you?" I question pulling away. "Been better" he shrugged, as he walked into the house.

"Mums asleep but I've made breakfast, Pancakes that is" I said smiling heading towards the kitchen. "How Is she?" He said leaning against the kitchen door way, "Shes really sick." He slowly nodded his head then moved towards the kitchen stool, I handed him a plate as we both reluctantly tucked into our pancakes.

A figure slowly appeared around the kitchen door "Mum, What are you doing?" I get up quickly to help her. " I couldn't let you both have all the fun!" She smiled as I helped her into the living room.

"Skye, I need to speak alone with your mother" Dad said looking up at me as I handed Mum some pancakes, "Oh, Okay" I smiled and walked upstairs.

I sit in my room for around an Hour, until I hear Dad call me down.

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