Chapter 15

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I don't see Danny until he comes Monday morning for school. I come out of my room and he is sitting on the couch in the living room. "Hey," I say.

Danny scrambles to his feet. He hurries over and his big arms encircle me. I lift my right leg off of the ground and I transfer the weight onto Danny. I squeeze myself closer to him by hugging him back. My crutches fall, but I don't care. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too." I close my eyes. "It has been a long weekend."

"It sure has." Danny hugs me tighter. "Are you hungry?" He pulls back. Too soon.

I look up at him. "I guess so." I put my crutches back into place and I turn into the kitchen. "I can't believe they're making us go back to school today." Yesterday, everyone received a call saying that if they are able, they were required to return. It'll be the first day of school without Emily.

"Yeah, but there isn't much we can do about that." Danny pulls out a chair for me and I sit in it. He pushes me in. Everything is already set on the table. Cereal and milk. I grab the granola and I pour it into my bowl. Danny pours the milk for me. I eat as Danny talks. He takes my bowl when I'm done eating.

"Where's Alex?" I ask Mom.

"He's not ready to go back to school today. Maybe tomorrow," she says as she puts the milk in the fridge.

I nod as I stand up. I trip over a chair and Danny catches me before I fall. "Thanks."

"Are you okay?" Danny asks. He returns me to my standing position. He keeps his hand on my back.

"I'm fine. I just tripped," I say. "Let's get in the car." Neither Danny nor I sits in the front. We sit side to side in the back. I lean against him. "I've missed this most of all."

"So have I." Danny holds my hand instead of holding me. I prefer this. I seem closer to him, even though there's an extra arm between us.

My mother closes her door loudly. I look at her and she is staring right back at me. I lift my head off of Danny's shoulder, but I keep my hand in his. "Ready to go back to school?" She asks.

"No. Not without her," I answer. My vision starts to become blurry so I close them. Danny rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. I try to keep my breath slow and steady, but I can't. It becomes uneven. Don't cry. I focus on Danny's fingers woven around mine. I focus on his thumb gliding across my hand. Eventually, I calm down enough to open my eyes. I look up and we're already at the school. I shift my eyes over to Danny and he smiles. I smile back. "Let's go." Danny nods.

We get to class and everyone is there. Well, everyone that normally comes. Everyone except Alex. And Emily. If I didn't have crutches, I would grab Danny's hand. Right as we sit down, Dr. Elliot stands in the doorway. "I'd like to see Lucy please." I grab my crutches and I stand. I maneuver my way past backpacks and people until I stand in front of him. "Follow me." And I do. We end up at the main office. When we get into his small office, he helps me sit in a chair. "First off, I'm sorry about your loss, Lucy. I truly am." I guide my eyes to the ground. I study his shoes. "Secondly, Emily's mother dropped something off for you. Apparently Emily had been keeping a journal about everything you two did together. Here, take a look." I look up and he is holding out a notebook. I take it from him.

As soon as I turn the front cover, I see Emily's full name and I burst into tears.

"Is there anything I can do for you right now?" Dr. Elliot asks.

"Danny," is all I say. I need his comforting more than ever. Dr. Elliot nods and he walks out. I sit stoking Emily's name until the door opens again.

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