Chapter 7 [EDITED]

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    I hear the front door close. I look at the clock on the radio, 7:30 am. Alex and Emily are still sleeping. It must be Hanna going somewhere. I close my eyes again and I hear a voice, “Hello? Anyone here?”

    I sit up. “Danny.” I shake Alex awake, “Danny's here.” I stand up and I start for the stairs, to meet Danny.

    Alex pulls me back. “Are you dumb? Why would they let Danny come back? They wouldn't just let him go unsupervised. They're trying to find us. We need to stay quiet.” I nod. That does make sense. Considering everything that happened yesterday, he's not going to be alone.

    Alex and I sit down on the couch and we listen to Danny walking around upstairs. I hear him say, “I don't see them. I'll go check downstairs. Stay here, I won't find them if you follow me. They'll hear you.” He's not very quiet. It almost sounds like he wants us to hear him. Maybe he does. Danny comes down the stairs. I gasp. “Guys, are you down here?” His eyes fix on me. He smiles.

    I would smile back, but I don't know whose side he's on anymore. “Are you helping them? Helping them find us?” I stay as quiet as I can.

    He shakes his head. He starts whispering, “Only because they forced me. Listen to me, Lucy. You all need to get out of here as fast as you can. They'll suspect something when I go up and say that you aren't down here. They'll come look themselves.” Danny walks closer until he's right in front of me. “Get out as fast as you can. Go to the park and I'll meet you there when it's safe. Go out the back door.” He points down the hallway.

    “Are you sure you'll be fine?” I grab Danny's hand and look up at him, with the saddest eyes I can imagine. Maybe if he feels bad enough, he'll follow us out.

    “I'll be fine. If I go with you, we won't get far. If I stay, I can buy you some time to escape,” he says, as if he's reading my mind. “Get up. You need to go. And I need to go back upstairs. They'll be suspicious.” Danny pulls me up.

    I give Danny a hug. “I'll see you soon, then.” I release him. He smiles at me and turns away. I turn around and Alex is helping Emily up. “We need to go now.” Alex nods. We run down the hallway and I ease the sliding glass door open. I stand aside and let Emily and Alex out before I go through. As I'm closing the door, I see shadows coming down the stairs. “Run.”

    Alex waits for me to pass him so he's in the back of the group, to protect us, just like Danny did. Emily is running on her own, she must be healed enough. “Which way to the park?” Emily asks over her shoulder. I shrug. I hadn't thought of that. Danny said to go to the park, but none of us bothered to ask where that was.

    “I don't know. Just turn left,” Alex points away from the house. Emily takes a sharp turn and runs down the street. We pass several identical houses as we run. This must be a neighborhood for older people. We run for five minutes before Emily turns left again. Ahead of us, I see the park, a big field of green, with four pavilions, one at each corner. “Go over there.” Alex gestures to the farthest pavilion, which is surrounded by trees, a perfect hiding spot. Emily sprints to the structure.

    I reach one of the tables and I lay down underneath it. The cool cement feels like ice against my back. “We made it. Now we just have to watch out and wait for Danny to meet us.” I slowly fall asleep.

    “Lucy, get up! We have to go,” Danny yells as me. He grabs my arm and pulls me out. “Come on. I was able to escape, but they aren't far behind me.”

    He lets my arm go and I run next to him. “I'm glad you made it. I didn't think you would.” Pain suddenly rushes through my sore legs. A scream escapes me. I look down. Blood is running down my right calf. I got shot. With a real gun. My leg collapses under me and I fall to the ground.

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