#11# 11.01.2018

66 16 53

Was that LOVE?
When I met him first time
Something changed inside
I had unlocked my different side
Life turned extra beautiful & bright
Is that what exactly you wanted to write?

Awesome days and nights
Lots of love and lots of fights
He was always my closest friend
I felt complete in his presence
How did you know what was in my mind?
You put all qualities in him which I like

Then why this twist in my story
Suddenly you made things so scary
Why did you separate him from me?
To make my life dull & gloomy?
Wait.. is there something I'm missing?
Or are you trying to show me a different scene?

Secretly my another side got unlocked
I felt so shattered all happiness I had blocked
I thought your twists can't affect my feelings
But every twist of yours reminded me of him
You're doing it intentionally or I'm assuming things
Maybe you know what is the best for me and him

A soothing mist of memories
Where I'm still with him
In a completely different world
In a completely different stream
Now I don't want to know why those moments happened
Neither about my sweetest dream nor my worst nightmare
Thanks for writing my story I'm still loving it
Probably it's one sided now still it's a Love story
Isn't it?

Poems by Wizard's Apprentice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now