XXIV. It's not What it Looks like

Start from the beginning

They exchanged looks, Jackson looking like he was about to say something but he couldn't get it out. 

Everyone else had finally appeared behind her, and then Scott's face came into view. He first noticed me and then Jackson, and with that he lost it.

" What the hell are you doing here?!" Before Jackson could even defend himself. Scott charged at him.

It all happened too quickly to stop him, Scott's shoulder came into contact with Jackson's torso, sending them both flying down into the glass coffee table, breaking it on contact and sending glass shards everywhere. In no time Scott was pounding onto his face.

" STOP! Scott get off him! Jackson STOP!" By this time it was Jackosn who was hovering over Scott beating him into a bloodly pulp. I screamed trying to pull Jackson off but it was useless, Stiles came to my aid and yanked also a bloody Jackson off of Scott, trying to pin him down into the couch, with Isaac holding Scott down. Of course Stiles being just a tiny body, and Jackson a thick, muscular werewolf he lost his hold and Jackson went for Scott again.

" NO! STOP!" I stood between the raging guys, they were both in wolf form, readying to charge at each other. Jackson pushed me aside, hard enough for me to stumble and fall onto the ground.

"Ahhh! Ow!"

I had slightly yelped, to see pieces of glass stuck onto my forearm. That stopped the two boys instantly, to see me hurt is what it takes to stop them? Great.

" Camie!" Allison has hurried over, she quickly yanked the glass shards out and held pressure to my wound, it was pretty deep, causing intricate designs of scarlet blood to run down to my hand.

" Hey, are you okay?" Scott was now by my side, holding onto my waist to help me up.

" I'm fine," I yanked him off of my body, stepping a few feet away from him, he had confused face that ws drenched with blood " What the hell is wrong with you Scott? Why would you do that?" I stepped over to Jackson to see if he was okay, Lydia had been by his side too seeking if he's damaged, it only looked bad, but perks of being a werewolf is healing.

" Why is he here? Huh? Now that I break-up with you, you go straight to him?" Scott's words hit me like a train, does he really think I'm that kind of girl? 

" What is he talking about- is Jackson who you're secretively meeting up with!?" Lydia was outraged, not just at me but Jackson as well.

" You two broke up? Wait- You're apart of Liam's pack?!?" Allison had screamed.

I was slightly confused, but then I has relaized. These were the people he cared about. Lydia was his ex.

" Oh my goodness, them," I pointed to all of them. And stopped at Lydia " her, they're the ones Liam threathened, that's who you're trying to protect." And instantly I felt so bad for him, he is getting to much crao for just protecting the ones he cared about.

He nodded, and looked at Lydia. By the way they look at each other, it was obvious they were once together.

" Please everyone just shut up! Listen to me please, I'm happy to give you all a resonable explaination." They all stood there, with their arms crossed, I stood close to Jackson, making sure Scott won't charge at him again.

" Yes, Jackson is the one I have been secretively meeting up with. And yes he is apart of Liam's pack. But like I told Scott and Stiles, it's for a good reason. He doesn't want to hurt me, he has no intention of killing me. Ok? I know it's impossible to understand that, but you just have to bare with us. Jackson and a few others are against Liam. They don't want to kill me like the rest of the pack does, and when he found me in the woods, he sorta saved me all together," I looked back at Jackson, and gave him a small smile. " And the only reason he is apart of Liam's pack is out of threat. And when he told me the story, I connected with him, " I head Scott scoff and I closed my eyes, ignoring the pag my heart gave off " meaning I understood where he was coming from. He was doing to protect the ones he loves. He was put in a position where it was join, or they die. I was once in a threathening situation myself, and I trust him. I'm believing in him that he really is doing all those for you. All of you, regardless of your past with him. He's doing this to keep you all alive, including me." 

" And to answer your question Allison, yes. Scott and I broke up. And there is no one to blame but myself. But right now, it clearly does not matter, what matters is taking Liam down. Now are we all clear. Jackson is on our side." I looked at everyone and waited for a nodded or an understanding response. They all shook their heads.

Lydia was still bewildered, " well, welcome back Jackson."

She and Allison exited the house, with Stiles and Isaac close behind.

" I'll be going to." Jackson walked towards the kitchen.

" Thank you," Scott said forcefully " for protecting Camie." Jackson gace us a reassuring nod and left.

I quickly made my way to clean off my arm, whuch had finally stopped bleeding, but b y the looks of it, it'll def need some stitches.

" How's your arm?"

" Good." I walking back to the cupboard to place the first aid kit back, and started to make my way to the living room, but of course Scott always needed to say something,

" Camille-"

" It's okay."

" I understand, that right now it's not the best time for us. I know that this hurt you, and trust me i'm hurting as well. I'm sorry and we'll see where time brings us ok?" My hand had been on his face, with my last words I let my hand fall, he nodded and walked past me, out the door.

And I came to realization. Scott and I had a mutual argeement on our break up, sure it's something we both didn't want but it's what it is. I can't deny my feelings for Jackson, but I can't also denh that I love Scott more than anything. Hopefully when all this is over, I'll know what to do with myself. When Liam is finally dead, Scott and I might find a way back to each other, I know with how much we care for each other we eventaully will.

Chapter is up! 

Is Camie a bad person for calling Jackson over for comfort?

What do you think about the Scott + Jackson fight? 

Do you think Camie recovered from the break up too fast?

Next chapters sh*t is gonna go down!! :D Please leave feedback!


*starting next chapter already! Cause it's summer! <3

 excuse grammical and punctuation errors, when I finish the book i'll be editing! 

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