NieR: Automata | 2B x 9S | 2B's Hidden Desire {2/2}

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2B's Hidden Desire {2/2} - So... Not Like a Familial Unit?

Proposal: 2B decides to be a tease. 9S's pov. It was something i saw in youtube someone wrote in the comments. Example:

9S: Did you feel that?
2B: No.
9S: How about that?
2B: More...
9S: W-what?!
2B: What?


9S: Ma'am ? How dare you ?
2B: Call me Onee-chan  

The second prompt I was given is hereee!! It's kinda weird haha. Prompt one and two are barely connected but I managed to connect them anyway. I hope the request-ee likes it!


My partner hated being called ma'am. I tried my hardest to stop calling her that, but it seriously stuck. I'd call her 2B whenever I remembered to, but sometimes I slipped up and called her ma'am instead. At first, it didn't bother her, and she'd simply correct or ignore me. Now, though, she makes no attempts to try and hide her annoyance. When the "ma'am" slips out, so does 2B's bitter irritation at being referred to it. At least, that's how it normally went.

2B and I were back on the bunker delivering our report to operators 21O and 6O, and were to meet up with the Commander for our next mission briefing. Normally she simply sends her commands via video call, but seeing as we were in the bunker anyway, 2B and I wanted to see the YoRHa Commander face-to-face. It had been awhile since we'd seen her, but that didn't necessarily mean that I missed her or anything. Quite the contrary, actually. She was way more threatening in person...

Either way, we got our mission brief. It was simple; I was to scout ahead into unknown territory with 2B to accompany me, and she was to cut down all machine lifeforms that appeared. We would arrive at Earth by using our flight units, specifically in the city ruins, and make our way towards the unknown area. And when I say unknown, I mean unknown—all we know is that it's a place we've never been to before. All previous YoRHa units never made it back with their data intact, meaning the only information we have on the destination is that it exists, and the directions to the border of the unknown location. Once we go in, 2B and I are on our own.

I was nervous the whole flight down, but didn't dare let it show. My partner and I were silent during the entire trip, and maybe that was enough to give away how nervous I was to 2B. Honestly, I was curious about the place we were going to—but what was the point of being curious about a destination you'll unlikely ever remember? And besides, I'd hate to lose all the chips I'm using right now. I looked down at the city ruins as we broke through the stratosphere, and wondered if I would even remember this moment by the time the mission was completed.

We landed on top of a tall skyscraper, where we usually parked our flight units. 2B fell out of hers, and I followed suit. She stood silently for a while, not making any movements or indications that she would even walk. I stepped towards her, patting her lightly on the shoulder to get her attention. She turned to face me, her eyes peering through her deep black visor.

"Ma'am? How are you?" I asked, worried about how she might be feeling towards this whole thing. This will probably end with us detonating our black boxes, after all. It wasn't a painless procedure, and not one android in all of YoRHa would look forward to taking the role of suicide bomber.

"Call me onee-chan." She said, voice as serious as ever.

Wait, what?

I stood. I stared. My mouth was wide open in shock and confusion, whereas she stayed exactly the same.

"Uh, ma'am?" I spoke, voice wavering. Was she actually really nervous, and this was her coping with it?

"Call me onee-chan." She commanded once more, standing still. The only things that moved were her hair and skirt due to the force of the wind. I thought that maybe my ears were playing tricks on me, but instead of saying 'please stop' like a normal person, I wanted to get to the bottom of why she was telling me to call her this.

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