NieR: Automata | 2B x 9S | 2B's Hidden Desire {1/2}

Start from the beginning

"Well, basically... just how durable are you?" I finally asked, happy to get the question off my chest. Her hand's returned to her sides, and she actually looked confused. What happened to 'emotions are prohibited', 2B?

"Want to test it out?" 2B replied, a small amount of amusement evident in her voice. I stared, dumbfounded.

"What?" I was taken aback. I had to reaffirm what she said. It just didn't seem to be a very 2B-like thing to suggest.

"My durability. Test it out." She walked closer towards me, until we were only three steps apart. "Try hitting me and see where it gets you." I stood back in surprise. Was that a threat?

"I-I can't hit you, 2B. Our chips prevent us from engaging in combat with other YoRHa units." This whole situation was confusing, odd, strange, and all the other words that meant 'this definitely wasn't right'.

"I'm sure you're capable of disabling them for three minutes or so." She spoke blankly, looking aloof as usual. Was this seriously not bothering her?! Besides, could I really do that? I'd probably get found out. But if I covered my tracks well enough...

"I mean, I can try." I sighed, lacing my fingers together.

"You're curious, right? I won't fight back." She spoke, resting her weight on her left leg. I tried to look everywhere but at her, eyes dodging to the depraved scenery around us. She really cared that much about my curiosity, huh? Or maybe she wanted to get it out of the way so I wouldn't bother her in the future...

"Ok then. I'll give it a shot." I finally replied, immersing myself in my own mind. I glided through all the files in my memory banks, all my settings, until I came across the object that had been barring me from my subject of interest. I swiftly disabled my inability to attack YoRHa units, and triple-checked to make sure I had disable the correct things. Once I was sure, I immediately came back to my senses and faced the outside world.

"Are you done?" 2B questioned, raising an eyebrow. I nodded, nervousness caught in my throat. "Good. Now you'll be able to see how durable I really am." She stated, stretching her arms above her head and cracking her neck. She quickly readied herself into a defensive stance immediately after, prepared to block any attacks that may come her way. Maybe I should have erased my sense of guilt, too...

"Are you sure I can do this?" I asked, still nervous about this whole thing.

"9S." She spoke, a pinch of impatience in her voice.

"Y-Yes?" I responded, jumping a bit at hearing my name.

"Stop talking." She sighed, position ever rigid. I quickly relaxed.

"Right. Sorry." I spoke, cracking my wrists. I made my way towards her, until I was close enough to touch her. But now that it finally came to this, I wasn't sure how game I was to actually go through with this. 2B sensed my hesitation and sighed.

"You can hit me with a stick if that will make it easier." She shook her head, yet still her stance remained. I nodded, grabbing a branch that had fallen at my feet some time ago. I raised it high above my shoulder, circling 2B until I was directly behind her. I had to aim for her weak spot, which would be her back, right? I've got to blindside her. Of course, I was reluctant about the amount of force I was going to hit her with, so I lowered the stick until it was at my elbow. Then... I hit her. Not too hard.

"Did you feel that?" I asked, bringing the stick to my side. She shook her head.

"No." Was her reply. She didn't even feel that?! I would have at least reacted a little bit...

I swung the makeshift weapon down once more, a little harder this time, and maybe a little lower. I wasn't sure.

"How about that?" I asked, withdrawing the stick one again.

"More..." She muttered softly, almost so I couldn't hear her reply.

"W-What?!" I yelped, surprised. What kind of reaction was that?! 'More'...?!

"What?" She spoke, as if what she had just said never happened.

"Uhh... nothing. I thought you said something."

"I didn't say anything."

"Right. That's what I thought."

There was a brief moment of silence between us.

"Are you going to continue? Or—"

"Oh, my settings are back to normal! Sorry, but I don't think I can continue! Ahaha...ha..." I chuckled nervously. Honestly, I was lying. But this was way too weird for me. I mean, it wasn't bad, but what if I didn't imagine her saying 'more'? Could she be a...

"A shame." She said immediately, straightening up and dusting off her skirt. I breathed a shaky sigh of relief, which I don't think she recognised. "I assume you are now satisfied?"

"Y-Yes! Very satisfied!" I laughed awkwardly, and replied too soon. 2B quickly walked past me, and began walking once more. Wow, my heart was pounding...

"9S." She called, bringing me to attention.

"Yeah?" I answered, quickly catching up with her.

"If you ever want to test my durability again," she continued, refusing to face me, "... I wouldn't mind."

Uhhhhhh, what?

"Thanks, 2B," I began to fiddle with my hands, "I'll let you know if I ever get curious."

"Right." 2B responded, sounding somewhat... flustered? No way. I was probably just imagining it. Or maybe she was teasing me? Or, maybe, my first thought was correct.

Could 2B be a masochist?

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