5. Fire Rides

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A/N: Here is the fifth chapter of Bleed Me. Thank you to everyone who has replied to this story- I'm still working on getting a clear idea of what I want to do with this story and a few of the people I've talked to have really helped figure out parts of the world in this story and Zero's past. I have placed a link in the story summary to a playlist for this story. Enjoy :)

A few minutes later found Zero in a pair of pants after cleaning up a bit and he was displeased to say the least.

Kaname had donned his pants as well, along with his shirt which was now permanently unbuttoned thanks to Zero- and yes, he was satisfied with himself for that small petty revenge for his clothes from the night before.

He sat down on one of the chairs he had maneuvered in front of the fireplace that sat in the corner of the room, beside the large window as moonlight streamed within as the moon began its descent from its rise in the night sky.

Kuran sat in the chair beside him, both of their seats slightly angled toward one another.

His ass was killing him, but Zero would be damned if he let the ancestor know it.

Kaname had been staring at him for several moments by now and Zero frowned at him.

"Well?" He pandered, "What do you want to know?"

Kuran glanced at the fireplace and gestured to him to test him to see if he could conjure up a flame- a challenge.

Zero threw up a hand and the fire roared to life.

Pyromancy wasn't a gift of his- but he had been notorious for his talents when it came to magic of all sorts- so lighting a flame wasn't too difficult. But in a mortal coil such as he was, his hand fell back to his side and quivered for a moment.

No one had mastered magic as well as he had- no hunter, and certainly no vampire had ever managed to conquer it as a field of study like he had.

It had been his one major accomplishment as an individual- anything else had been minor in comparison or personal like producing a family he had been proud of.

Speaking of family, he was due to send Ama another letter.

She had been the only one of his children to discover he had been awakened and he had taken care to write to her regularly, asking her to keep quiet about his awakened state till he saw fit to reveal himself.

He didn't tell her he was play acting as a D however, being careful to not give away his status or his new name to her- she had always been precocious and determined and not to mention a daddy's girl and it no doubt drove her up the walls to not see him after so long.

Kain probably wouldn't like it much when his mother came barreling to campus looking for her father however.

Zero thought it would be hysterical on the other hand, and as soon as he shifted back he would let her know exactly where he was.

But he wasn't quite prepared to deal with his two other daughters quickly following as amusing an idea as it was.

Namiko and Naomi were never far behind their youngest sister after all.

He could just see the Noble cousins gaping as their mothers hog tackle him to the floor as they were wont to do.

"I thought the rest of the Hiou line were asleep or dead."

Zero shrugged, "Most of our line was dead by the time I took my rest. Only my sister and parents had survived the test of time. My sister lives on, but as for my parents I am unsure. Doubtful- they both collected a large share of enemies individually, but combined..."

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