1. Imposter

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 Razor sharp fangs penetrated a hair's breadth above his collar and Zero cried out as pain raced through him at an alarming rate- he was helpless in the arms of this pureblooded beast who so resembled an angel and he couldn't help but quiver in her warm embrace.

But pain soon gave way to a pounding of his head as the seal his adopted parents had placed on him was torn away- memories of times long gone by dancing in his hazy mind, making it difficult to focus on only one.

But moments became minutes and Shizuka dranks so slowly, so sparingly, that he had time to grip onto many of them- regaining his lost sense of self.

They had found him in his hidden crypt- the crypt he had hidden himself away in as the general vampire public turned toward the council instead of to their rightful pureblooded rulers. He had sent for his sister, but she had clearly been captured to not have come to know this fate for herself.

The Kiryu hunters had found him in his sleeping form and had done countless incantations upon him, morphing his vulnerable unconscious form into a child- a hunter child. They had torn his mind near to shreds before slowly crafting him a false life he was meant to never see through.

He raged as he came to himself, his powers breaking through the seals they had placed upon him as he searched his healing memory.

They had wanted powerful progeny to rejuvenate their line- getting so swept up in their pride that they had begun to believe the lie they had created.

He was not their son.

He was the last Hiou Prince- the Tempest Prince- the one to have pieced back their society when the Kurans became too tied up in their own drama to see past themselves.

He was unmatched in strength when he was at his best- he had killed quite a few warring purebloods on his own- so how dare they make him play the role of a hunter.

A child, at that!

He felt his canines elongate and his form begin to grow once more, but he quickly laid that to rest- no, he could sense his baby sister needed his help, he could sense her fury and heartbreak through their tattered bond.

He latched onto her own throat once she pulled away and she gladly allowed him to drink from her- witnessing her memories of the time that he had been away.

When he pulled back he wiped his mouth clean with his sleeve, grinding his teeth in irritation.

"I see you have been having quite the time, Shizuka.."

"Yes, Nii-san. I have."

Her voice was magnificent to hear after so long and he stood, adjusting to his form for a moment.

The seal that had marred his looks had dissolved- leaving his hair as white as her own, his eyes a brilliant red-violet.

"The Kuran boy freed you? Why?"

"He is their Ancestor, made near helpless before Rido Kuran as he was the one to awaken him. I believe he sought to inevitably use you."

Zero nodded.

"Zen," She began and he waved it off, "I'll keep 'Zero' for now, Shizuka."

She sighed, "Zero, I have taken my revenge, what will you do?"

He grinned, "Since I cannot take revenge, I am curious to see where the Kuran boy/ancestor/ whatever takes this. What is his goal? What hand does he play in this? Why did he release you? I think these are all valid questions and I would like to see them answered. Who knows, perhaps I shall make an ally of him?"

Shizuka narrowed her eyes on him, "We all know what you do with your 'allies', Nii-san."

Zero smirked at her but his eyes were drawn to his supposed twin hanging in the wings.


A warm feeling flooded him at seeing the boy alright. He may not have been his actual kin, but he knew the boy had no hand in doing this to him.

"He led me to you, Nii-san." Shizuka whispered beside him, brushing her kimono down as she stood.

Zero held out his hand to the silver haired hunter and Ichiru stepped forward, hesitation marring his normally kind aura.

Ichiru stopped a foot in front of him and Zero pulled him into his arms,, Ichiru wrapping him up in his own embrace.

"Thank you, Ichiru."

"Always, Nii-san. I-I want to stay with you, they were going to send me away."

Zero ran a hand through his hair and pulled away after a moment.

He glanced at Shizuka, then back at the frail boy.

"You will always be kin to me, Ichiru."

Shizuka did not deny it and they walked from the house and into the snow.

"What will you have us do, brother?"

Zero thought on it for a moment before coming to a rash decision.

"You two will leave tonight and the house will burn. Hopefully they will believe Ichiru dead and you long gone. We will go along with Kuran's plan- they will no doubt send me to Kaien Cross, Kuran, if he does mean to use me, will know.

"I will send word as events unfold, but stay clear of it all, let them believe you two dead. Go west- we have allies there still, no doubt."

Shizuka nodded and Ichiru wringed his hands nervously.

Zero calmed him with a warm embrace and made short work of knocking him unconscious.

"I have come to care for him a great deal, and I have no doubt you will care for him as well, Shizuka."

"I do not doubt that, Nii-san."

"I wish to make him like us."

Her eyes widened, "A pureblood? How?"

Zero rolled his eyes, "You know how."

"But that would require a pureblooded sacrifice."

He cocked a brow, "You doubt your Nii-san?"

Shizuka frowned at him, "You are not at your best, Nii-san. You must feed regularly to be able to stand against another pureblood."

Zero nodded, "A good point. But I have a plan."

"Oh, and what does this plan entail?" She rolled her eyes and he grinned,

"A level-D is only as valuable as long as they do not fall. I only have to make myself appear a level-D and take Kuran's blood."

"You think he'll just offer it to you, like that?"

Zero smirked, "If it turns out that he doesn't require me, I'll go about my way and find some other way. But I sense this Rido problem of his would make him need my help as a hunter of the most powerful clan in hunting."

Shizuka blew out a breath and gathered their soon-to-be baby brother in her arms as Zero began to lay his own seals to make him resemble a recently bitten human, morphing his features back to their Kiryu looks, glad that he had stopped his growth spurt before it had really begun.

With a mere thought the house caught a blaze and he made short work of dirtying his clothes and clawing his throat open, forcing his form not to heal as he collapsed onto the snow covered ground, knowing that hunters would soon make an appearance.

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