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It was a dark, cold night to walk home from school.  The wind was howling with an icy, cold breeze, that drifted past me through the thin air.  Everything was dark, except for the spots under the street lights, that sat so many cement slabs away from each other. The cracks of the sidewalk had pieces of grass sticking up in between them. The bushes and trees, started to enclose on the sidewalk as I turned the corner, and continued walking home.  I needed to get home, or my older brother, Lindo would have a huge fit.  He was probably making supper, as my cousin Ritska was doing homework or just hanging out with her friends. I was the only one that actually worried the whole family, to the point where the whole police force had to go looking for me. I always was late coming home from school, because I get sent to the discipline committee for things I didn't do.  It was like they were wanting me for some reason, but before I continue, let me introduce myself.

My name is Ella Tachibana, and I'm the younger sister of Lindo and the cousin of Ritska.  We lived with my mom at her house, but she was gone most of the time, so Lindo took care of us.  He likes to take over cooking supper for my mother, so she cleaned while he cooked, most of the time.  He was more like my dad than my brother. He's always demanding about what to do, to protect each other from what lurks outside.  Lindo always said that it's a dangerous world out there, and night time is the worst.  My mom always said that the devils that lurks outside will take me, but I don't believe her.  Devils don't actually exist, and everyone knows it.  Lindo is really religious, so he spreads holy water everywhere and carries a rosary with him.  I didn't know why he did the things that he did, but he had his reasons, which was the excuse he used.  Lindo yells at me every time I come home late like this.  He always had worry growing in his voice, which eventually got terrifying.  

I continued to walk down the cold, wet street, as I heard a motor running, coming closer my way.  I continued walking, knowing that people were on their way home.  I saw lights pull up closer as a black limo pulled up next to me, and parked.  I continued walking, ignoring the car, thinking it was some type of person, just stopping to adjust something.  I looked ahead, seeing flashing lights shine past me.  I squinted as I tried to focused on where they were coming from.  I looked back, as the limo honked it's horn, and continued flashing it's lights.  "What the" I said to myself as I turned around, and walked back to it, but didn't go near it.  I studied the many windows on this side of it. The shiny rims of the tire looked black in the darkness.  I stood there as the limo honked, and the last window in the back rolled down.  "Your name is Ella Tachibana, right?" a low, deep voice came from the open window.  I nodded in silence, not knowing what to do.  I heard a deep chuckle as a arm, dressed in a blue suit sleeve, popped out of the window.  "Come here" the voice said as the hand waved me towards the window.

I baked up, getting ready for the strange man to come out and show himself to me.  I shook my head in fear.  "My mom told me not to.  I need to go home, excuse me" I said, as I turned to walk, but the voice stopped me.  "I can give you a ride home, if you would like.  A young girl like you shouldn't be in the dark alone" the voice said, making me turn around and the back door swung open.  I completely turned around seeing a man, in a blue suit standing next to the open door.  He had short blond hair, and green eyes that reminded me like cat eyes.  He stood tall and powerful, as he waited for my reply.  I looked at him in shock, seeing the darkness growing within him.   He looked around for something, as he darted his eyes at me again, now giving me an angry look.  My eyes widen when I figured out who it was.  It was the president from the discipline committee at school, Rem Kaginuki.  Rem looked around, all over the place and finally, darted his glare back at me.  "Please Ella, it's not safe here.  People lurk around here all the time" he said, as he extended his arm towards me, letting me grab his hand. Slowly, he started walking closer to me, patently waiting for me to grab the extended hand.

I shook my head as I started to turn around.  "I'm sorry, but I rather walk" I said as I continued on my way.  I started walking away, as his hand grabbed my wrist, his grasp tightening by the second.  I turned and tried to pull away but it didn't work, he didn't let me go.  "Ella, I told you I would give you a ride" Rem repeated as he stood there.  I huffed, feeling my anger grow within me, while I pulled.  "I said I was fine!" I yelled, as I yanked my hand out of his grasp. I continued walking as more forms of him, circled around me.  My eyes widened as I looked around, confused about the forms.  Where is the real Rem? There was at least six or seven of them surrounding me at this point, that I couldn't see anything behind them. I heard the forms laugh as one grabbed my wrist, and swung me around to face it.  He tilted my head, making me stair into his green eyes, as they started to become like crystal, getting brighter as I stared at him.  I started to feel like my mind, was loosing control over my body, as I studied them.  I wanted to scream, wanted to pull away, bus his gaze was too strong.  "Now, come with me" he said as he turned and walked back to his car.  I started to follow him, but I snapped out of his gaze and made a run for it, as fast as I could before he could quickly turn around.  I ran into a dark alleyway, and made a left as I continued to walk away.

I continued to walk out onto another street, right by my place.  I turned around as I saw a shadowy figure, as Rem came into the light.  His grin grew even more creepier by the second.  My eyes widened as I started to run for it.  Rem chuckled as he grabbed my wrist once more, and pulled me closer to him.  I gasped as he made me look into his eyes again. I herd a yell, as water was sprayed on us, making Rem's skin steam as he backed away.  Ritska's friend, Azuna came out of the shadows, holding a rosary and a bottle of water.  Rem backed up, his skin still boiling from the water that hit him.   "Stay back, Ella" she said, as she got in the middle of Rem and I. Rem looked at her in anger, as his glare went strait for me.  "I'll be back for you Ella, when you least expect it" he said, vanishing into thin air.  Azuna and I took a deep breath, as she turned towards me.  "You alright, Ella?" she asked, worry was in her voice.  I nodded as I stood up.  She looked around as she got next to me.  "You better get home and fast" she said, as she walked next to me, and we walked home.

Imprissoned By The Devil ( A Dance With Devils Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora