
"I don't want to hear it Alyssa. I've heard the story, I was there. I came up with the idea, I even regret that. I'm worried about you. What people will start saying when you can no longer pretend to be with Ashton. Alyssa we both know it's time for you to decide. I will be here for you always, I will still protect you, but I can't do this." He says pointing back and forth between the two of us. This time he has more emotion on his face, he actually means it this time. He wants us to be public, I just don't know if I'm ready for that yet.

"Louis. I get that you're ready to tell people. But I'm not. I don't know when I'll be ready. I can't just jump into a new relationship immediately. People will talk Louis."

"How cares what they say?"

"Louis, I don't know if I -"

"Save it Alyssa, I've heard all of it before. You want to be with me but you don't want people to talk. Well NEWSFLASH everywhere I go people talk. I'm a disgrace to the world I've heard it all. What's your reason to why you're not ready?" He spits.

"You know of all people you're the last person I'd think would hurt me Alyssa. You have a day to get your shit together! We aren't all perfect like you! Who's it going to be me or him?"

"Well I'm sorry I'm going through a lot. Tomorrow is four years since my brother left! He never contacted us once! You think you have it pretty bad? At least you have siblings that love you. My brother left a week before my 14th birthday without a goodbye. He was just like you when it comes to your sisters. All I want is for him to come back. Do you get it yet? I wish I had your family. My mom and dad have been arguing for months about you. They love control my life! My mom hates you, and my dad is alright with you. At least you're family support you, because the minute I screw up my mom is ready to disown me! My dad's never home he's always on business trips! My life may seem perfect and like everything you want, but trust me I'd do anything to be in your family! Maybe next time you'll be more careful when throwing out the word perfect to describe someone." I say telling him everything that's been on my mind. The emotion on his face seem to soften when I tell him as well.


"I don't need your sympathy Louis. I just... I need to go." I say starting to walk to the door.

"Alyssa, you can't leave." He say with his soft grip on my wrist. Making sure to be careful. The fact that I can be mad at him and he's still so gentle with me is why I lov- no Alyssa focus your mad at him.

"Louis, I can leave if I want to. You can't stop me." I say shoving my arm out of his.

"Look, it's raining, it's night, and you look tired. I don't want you getting in a car crash or possibly even kidnapped. I don't live in the best neighborhood, but you really shouldn't be out alone at a time like this. Just stay here over night then you can leave in the morning." He say placing his hands on my shoulders them sliding them down to hold my hands.

"Please Alyssa. I don't want anything happening to you. If a lot is going on at home then stay here. My family is your family. You should know by now that you can always come here. You have a key. You can come if you want to just talk or even yell at me. I'm awful at this dating thing but I'm trying." He says pulling me into him to kiss me.

"I love you Alyssa, but you still have to pick." He tells me causing me to smile.

A/N: Ew this chapter sucks. So I've been sick and it's finals week so that is why this chapter is late. Soooo how is this chapter?? Please guys comments on ideas for the chapter.. It gets my thinking and the updates are faster when I have an idea. So please help me out.

I'm so sorry it's short ugh! But I mean I feel like I wanted to end it with a sweet Louis.

What about this sweet side of Louis? What should happen? Guys help me!!!!!

This is actually earlier than I said. School is out Thursday but I mean I was at home and I needed to get my mind off like everything. So I wrong it. It sucks I know. :(

Challenge!!!! Who ever comes up with the most creative (available) Instagram name then you will get the dedication

Instagram (name for now): 5_summersofseconds

Twitter: music_invasion

Tumblr: fangirling-fromadistance

Ask: Stuckinafantasy5

If you guys ever need to talk you can either Kik me or private message me. I'll answer 99.9% of the time.

Until Next Time,

Shave your bald nanny

Marry a chicken

Set school on fire


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