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Please just read this. I beg of you to read this.
I may just be a fan but I'm like your no. 1 fan, i have all your albums, merch, everything. I love you so much that it hurts.
Is that normal?

I just wanted to check if you're okay, have you eaten? I hope that you're happy and healthy.

I'm worried about you, your new song,
It's so beautiful but I can't help but cry over the lyrics.

You said,
"They'll just listen to this song and think nothing of it."
Followed on by,
"Like flower petals, I'll be forgotten and no one will turn to me or save me."

I won't forget about you.

Because I love you.

And your music.

You're such a nice person.

You're so freakin precious when you smile.

I sound like a saesang don't I? I promise I'm not, I'm so so sorry. I'm just a fan who really adores you. I won't do anything bad, I'm not like the others.

Anyway, I must go to school now. I didn't care about my grades until you said you wanted your fans to do well in school and life. I'm in the top class now. Thanks to you, I love your words of encouragement, you really helped me.

Thank you!!!! ♡

Heart Attack }{ Y.JH (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now