The door banged open, and the messanger froze, seeing the two lords in each other's arms. Inuyasha woke up, blinking sleepily. "What...?"

The messanger swallowed. "Milord request your presences in the formal reciving soon as can be managed." Sesshomaru growled and the small youkai scampered.

Inuyasha looked fearfuly at his brother. "Sess...did you think he...?" Sesshomaru nodded, causing Inuyasha to pale. "Sess..."

"I love you."

"I know."

"Good." Sesshomaru kissed the hanyou as hard as he could. "We must go see our father."

"What is he going to do?"

"I don't know, small one, I don't know...But, I know no matter what it is, I will never stop loving you."

Inuyasha nodded once.

Rising, Sesshomaru kissed his brother one more time. "I will never stop loving you."

Moments later, the two stood in front of their father. Their father did not look at them for several moments, instead he gazed out a window. "Sesshomaru," he said finally. "I once told you not to go near Inuyasha, did I not?"

"You did."

"So then, why did you disobey me?"

At last their father turned to look at them. Sesshomaru's hand held a pale Inuyasha's lightly, while Inuyasha gripped his brother's like a life-line thrown to a drowning man. "You are both idiots. Inuyasha!"

The hanyou cringed. "Yes...father?"

"Come here."

His eyes on Sesshomaru's, Inuyasha walked forward, his hand lingering on the youkai's. "I love you," he whisphered so their father could not hear.


Smiling sadly, Inuyasha walked towards their father who seemed to be getting angier ever second Inuyasha delayed. As soon as the hanyou was far enough away from his brother, two very large and brutish youkai stepped out of the shadows behind Sesshomaru. Franticly Sesshomaru stared up at them as they stepped closer to him. Inuyasha whirled around, but his father was already close enough to grab him. "SESS!"


The two burlish youkai each caught one of Sesshomaru's arms, holding him so he could not escape, just as his father held onto Inuyasha who was franticly reaching out toward his struggling brother. "You should never have disobeyed me, Sesshomaru!"


Inuyasha's eyes were wide with fear. "What are you going to do to me?"

"You said, I believe it was something like, 'I will never forget you'. I will make it lied"

"What...what do you mean?"

"I will make you forget..."


Sesshomaru slashed wildly at his captures, wanting, needing to reach Inuyasha...

Inuyasha sank away from his father, watching Sesshomaru out of the corner of his eye. "H-how?"

"Simply, by taking them away. A simple won't hurt. You at any rate, as for what it'll do to your brother...Well..."


Smiling cruely at his first son, their father reached out a hand to rest it on the trembling Inuyasha's forhead. "Stand still."

"No! Sess!"

Snarling, his father grabbed his hair in one hand, the other gripping his face. He began chanting, and, slowly Inuyasha's amber eyes dimmed.

"No!...Inuyasha..." Sesshomaru cried, sinking ot his knees, just as he fought his way free of the burlish guards. He hung his head as their father pulled his beloved memories of him away. "Inuyasha..."


The hanyou collapsed. But when he woke up, he no longer remembered his love. And when he asked Sesshomaru why he looked so sad, wasn't he supossed to be some ice-monster, and when his father smiled that cold, cruel smile at him, Sesshomaru ran as fast as he could to escape the place his heart was found and lost. As he ran, he pasted through the gardens where Inuyasha and he had walked on Spring day....

But now, his father had taken away all of the hanyou's love and replaced it with hate.

Fare thee well, little broken heart

Downcast eyes, lifetime loneliness

Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone

Constant longing for the perfect soul

Unwashed scenery forever gone

No love left in me

No eyes to see the heaven beside me

My time is yet to come

So I'll be forever yours


A few years later he learned that Inuyasha had been sealed to a tree, and though he did not cry, his heart did. He would never cry again, especaily not over that ... hanyou. Never again.

After another 50 years, when that hanyou came back, Sesshomaru saw him again, and felt his heart melt away, only to be rebuilt. For a second, he had hoped, but that hope fled, fled as soon as he saw his brother protecting that human girl . He would never be able to have the hanyou to himself again. When he at last found his fathers fang, and felt the protective shield around it, he wanted to cry. But he didn't. For even in death, his father was protecting all his possessions from his first son. Just as he had shielded Inuyasha from him. Thus was born his desire to kill Inuyasha.


He could never have him again, and every time he saw the hanyou, he felt as if a sword had been inserted into his chest and ripped out, every harsh word twisting it in deeper as Inuyasha said the most hurtful words that you could ever imagine everytime they met...

"I'll never forget... you..." the demon lord whispered, a tear slowly rolling down the pale cheek.


The end

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