Fedural era tales

Start from the beginning

"SESSHOMARU!" his father hollered. Sesshomaru was about to reply scathingly, when a cry broke the air. He stopped, mouth open, and turned to the human mate. She was blushing and fumbling with a bundle in her arms that was wailing. Quickly, Sesshomaru slid over and took the bundle in his arms. Eyes softer than they had been in years, he looked at the wailing child, it's eyes scrunched up and small dog-ears poking through the fine silver mane.

He glanced up at his father who stood frozen, about to come at him, and the human whose eyes were wide in fear. Without another word, he handed the un wailing child back to his mother, but just before his hands left it's body, it let out a small gurgle.

Sesshomaru walked away as quickly as he could.

Next day...

Sesshomaru stood at a window, his face mere inches from it, his breath steaming the payne. It was cold out, and while the cold never bothered him, that human mate of his father's had expressed concern. Henceforth, his father told him that under no cirumstances was he to leave that day to go ANYWHERE. While Sesshoamru usauly ignored such threats, the gleam in his father's eyes told him that today disobeying him might not be such a good idea.

So, here he stood, watching the snow fall.

Besides, today was that brats -what was his name? inu-something?- birthday. That alone would have kept him. Since that day several years ago he had not seen the brat. He had left and not returned for a good number of years. And what his luck. The time he returns from the mountains, and it's that brat's birthday. Feh.

Perfect timing, you baka(idiot)

Oh all the days to return... Just his luck.

Just great.

He was so lost in watching the snow fall that he barey noticed the small form pad up to stand beside him. He contuned looking at the snow while a pair of amber eyes watched him.

When at last the owner of the amber eyes spoke, it was so un-expected that it made Sesshoamru jump slightly. "Were you always so tall?"

Blinking rapidly, he glanced down at the small up-turned face level with his waist. "wha?" He blinked a few more times, trying to regain his composure. "No, of course I wasn't always this tall..."

"Oh. Does that mean someday I might be as tall?"


Whirling, both Sesshomaru and the small Inuyasha beheld their father storming toward them, murder in his eyes.

"Yes, father?" Sesshomaru asked coldly. Inuyasha seemed startled with the change in the Youaki tone. "What are you doing?"

"Having a 'civil' confersation with my young half-brother on my height. And what are you doing?"Sesshomaru replied ever so coldly

The small Inuyasha stuffed his hand into his mouth to keep him from laughing. Their father on the other hand...

Snarling, he took a few steps toward the cold Sesshomaru and giggling Inuyasha. "INUYASHA! Your mother wants you." Nodding, the small hanyou shot one more glance at Sesshomaru before scurring off. Their father contuined to growl at his other son. "I do not want you touching, or even NEAR Inuyasha. Do you understand?"

Sesshomaru nodded once. "Yes, I understand. Obeying is another matter entirely. He is my half-brother, and, unlike you seem to believe, I will not hurt him. There is no reason to."

He walked away.

"SESSHOMARU!" his father hollered. "SESSHOMARU!"

He later stood at another window, this time the sky dark, but the snow still falling. Again, inuyasha approached him. This time, Sesshomaru didn't jump when the hanyou spoke. "Why did father yell at you? Are you one of his servants?"

Sesshomaru balked at the thought of being a servant. "No, his son."

Inuyasha seemed troubled slightly. "But I'm his son."

Sesshomaru smiled softly. "Yes, you are small one. We are half-brothers. My mother was killed."

Momentarly, Inuyasha seemed torn between joy at having a brother, sadness for his brother's mother's death, or bristling at being called 'small one'.

Finally, joy won. He promtly glomped Sesshoamru's leg. Startled, Sesshomaru fell over, the small hanyou clinging to his leg. "I'M SO HAPPY!" Inuyasha gushed. "I always wanted a brother!"

Chapter 3 is on the next page.

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