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Klaus left to go back to New Orleans after Rio assured him he'd come by after saying goodbye to his brothers. He headed back to the Salvatore house.
"Hey." He said. Everyone was still around. Except for Damon who went to go get rid of Katherine's body. "Tyler? What are you doing here?! Your revenge plan not work out?"
"Actually, no, it didn't." Tyler replied. "Why are you here? Got tired of following Klaus around like some lost little puppy?"
"Alright. Time out. What's going on?" Caroline asked.
"Nothing." Tyler told her, vaguely. "Just issues."
"You got that right." Rio muttered.
"Caroline." He replied, his tone tense.
"You almost never get mad at people. Why are you mad at Tyler?"
"Because he's a dick." Rio rolled his eyes. "I'll just come back later."
"Rio!" Caroline called after him as he left the boarding house. She followed him out, after sending Tyler a look. "Rio."
"Sorry, Caroline, but your ex-boyfriend's a total jerk."
"What did he do?"
"Klaus is going to have a kid."
"What are you on about?"
"He did the deed with Hayley about a month or so ago, and he'd already broken his hybrid curse around then."
"Hayley as in Tyler's friend? The one from the Appalachian mountains who helped him break his sire bond to Klaus? The one who set up the rest of Klaus's hybrids to die?"
"The one and only. She's not so bad."
"Klaus had sex with her?!" She sounded grossed out.
"Hey calm down. You were having sex with Tyler. You're not in a position to judge, you know."
"Anyways, so apparently, breaking his hybrid curse means he can have kids, and he kinda knocked up Hayley."
"Hayley's pregnant?"
"Yes. Let's save the questions till after story time. Your little ex boyfriend, and I'm only saying ex because now that you did the dirty with Klaus, I'm sure things are totally over between you two," he smirked, "well, either way, Tyler heard a rumour from witches that the baby has the power to make Hybrids, and tried to kill the baby. The unborn baby. That is after he kidnapped Hayley and I, well I don't care about the me bit of the equation. I'm just really pissed he tried to kill a baby."
"That..." Caroline tried to search for a way to express her anger, "douche! I can't find a word to describe that. It's only a freaking baby. Barely a foetus!"
"Well, you can't really tell people, though. Klaus has evil enemies who'd love to kill the baby to get at him. Exhibit A- Tyler."
"I'm sorry."
"Just find a way to make him regret it?"
"Oh trust me, I will."
"So, are you going to tell him you and Klaus danced the dance?"
"I won't tell him... outright. But I'm going to make sure he finds out. Me sleeping with his mortal enemy is bound to piss him off."
"Good to know. Anyways, I'll go meet up with Damon to say bye, and I'll say goodbye to Stefan later."
"Alright." Caroline smiled at him and walked away.
"Hey, Caroline?"
"Yeah?" She turned around.
"Bye." He said. She smiled at him, softly.
"See you soon."

"You're leaving?" Damon asked. "So soon?"
"I have to. Anya's probably worried sick. And there's a lot to do in New Orleans. You guys can hold the fort in Mystic Falls."
"And you don't think Klaus can do so in New Orleans?"
"Oh please. I might have left him alone too long already." Rio rolled his eyes.
"But, we need you here."
"I'm aware. And really, I would stay, but Damon- being in this town hurts. Every second I'm here I'm bombarded with memories of Lottie. Everywhere I look, I see her and it hurts because I don't think I'll ever see her again."
"Let me finish. I would love to stay here and help you guys out, truly I would, but I can't. I can't focus, and I can't unload so all I can do is let you guys work this out. Besides, I have a kid I need to think of. Am I supposed to bring Anya back here? Because, I can't do that to her. I'm sorry."
"I'm not going to say I understand, because I don't, I haven't ever loved anyone as much as you did Charlotte, nor have I ever had a child, but I get that you need to do what's best for you and Anya."
"Thanks, Damon."
"You coming back to the boarding house?"
"Yeah. And hopefully Tyler Lockshit's gone." The two walked together. They weren't far from it, anyways.
"What's the deal? I thought you liked him?"
"Yeah, well, he was a kid who was a vampire and a werewolf and was good. I had a soft spot for him, but then I found out he was a real dick."
"Coming from the guy who's best friends with the number one dick?"
"Klaus isn't that bad."
"Race you the rest?"
"You're on." Damon said and the two ran to the Salvatore home.

"You lost. Admit it!" Rio accused his brother.
"I did not lose. You cheated."
"How? I-"
"Rio. Damon. What are you shouting about?"
"Damon and I raced and he thinks I cheated."
"It's Rio, Damon. You just lost."
"Yeah, well, Rio's planning on leaving."
"Well, in a bit. I need to say my goodbyes."
"Come in, at least."
"Sure." Rio, Damon and Stefan walked back in. Elena sat on one of the chairs.
"I'll get some coffee." Stefan said and walked away.
"I'll go help him." Damon cleared out of the room. Elena came and sat next to him.
"Hey, Rio. What's up?"
"Excuse me?" He asked.
"What's up? You know, what's going on?"
"I know what it means, but um, why?"
"Am I not allowed to ask a friend how he is? I see your eyes have grown back in."
"Yes they have. And no offence, but since when are we friends?" Her eyes widened.
"Well, I figure, we got kidnapped together, tortured by the same person, we run in similar circles-" Rio cut her off.
"No, we really don't. You're part of the Mystic Falls crew. I'm with Klaus and the rest of the Originals, also known as your enemies."
"It was just a thought. No need to get grumpy."
"Why are you acting so weird?"
"Well, you're supposed to be really nice, but I've never gotten to see that side of you."
"Yes you have. I'll be nice to you, Elena, like I've always been, but we don't talk to each other. I'm not being rude, I'm just stating a fact. If ever we're in a room alone together, you usually eave or we just sit in silence. And you know, you dated both my brothers, you're basically proving me right- the whole reason why I never liked you, what you said you'd never do, you did."
"I just don't want you to hate me. You're Stefan's brother. I want to be your friend." She looked hurt.
"I thought you were in love with Damon?"
"So did I. But I don't know. Since Damon dumped me, I've been thinking. Maybe Caroline was right. Maybe Qetsiyah was right too, about the universe pulling the doppelgangers together. I can't stop thinking about Stefan."
"What is wrong with you? You can't keep hopping from one brother to the next and back again. In fact, I'd rather you chose neither and go your own way." Rio scowled and flashed to the kitchen. "What kind of coffee takes so long?"
"How are things going with Elena?"
"You did not seriously lure me in here for me to make nice. I just hate her more now. And I'm leaving, now. I have to go back anyways, it's getting dark."
"Oh alright. Visit soon?" Stefan asked.

Tiberius Salvatore: Mikaelson ExtendedWhere stories live. Discover now