Bottled Jelly Pt. 1 (mpreg)

9.8K 356 420

Bottled Jelly (Not Intended mpreg au)

Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun

Rating: PG13

Length: 9.8k

WARNING: slight!infidelity but like... not really? .... OH and like.. slightly more angst than Mother Nature's Peanuts.

Note: This, in a way, is part 2 of Mother Nature's Peanuts, part of the NI au mpreg series (yes, a fanfic of a fanfic lol) But i split it in 2 parts lol

I also edited out a character from the original.

Synopsis: They butt heads and fight a lot because one is too naive and the other is too jealous.

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Part 1 

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Chanyeol had the most unorthodox fiancé in the world and there was absolutely no argument about it in his book. Although three months pregnant, Baekhyun doesn't necessarily heed his fiance's warnings and demands concerning his safety. It annoyed Chanyeol how the brunet kept insisting that doing water aerobics in the ocean all alone was completely fine when it wasn't.

"Why don't you just pay for classes at the gym in town!?" Chanyeol had asked.

To this, Baekhyun threw him a look. "How many pregnant people do you think are in this area? One! And that's me! I don't want to be in a class by myself," he pouted.

Chanyeol frowned as he stood up and took the bowl of finished cereal from in front of Baekhyun, taking it to the sink in the kitchen. "Swimming in an indoor pool inside a controlled environment is ten times safer!" the giant argued adamantly.

"I'm pregnant, not disabled," Baekhyun retorted. Dropping the bowl in the sink, Chanyeol placed his hands on the counter, glaring.

"You're pregnant with my kid and living in my house," he said in a hard tone. "As far as I'm concerned, you're disabled until you give birth."

Rolling his eyes, Baekhyun pushed away from the table. "Oh, fine! Easy fix, then. I move out and declare that this kid isn't yours!" He tried to fix his cardigan but find that he couldn't. Pregnant people issues. "I'm going into town," he mumbled, turning away.

Following Baekhyun with his eyes, Chanyeol pursed his lips disapprovingly. "No, you're not. You didn't even eat your apple slices, yet."

"Eat them yourself," Baekhyun replied. "I'm going into town and buying a new bathing suit."


Stopping, Baekhyun groaned. "What?"

"You're not swimming in the ocean alone anymore," Chanyeol declared as if law.

Baekhyun creased his brows inwards. "You're sucking the fun out of being pregnant."

Chanyeol was incredulous. "I'm just trying to protect you and our unborn kid!"

"Right, and by doing that, you're pushing me to join a swim class? Is that what you want? Safe?" Baekhyun asked sarcastically.


"Fine... Then I'll join a swim class by myself," Baekhyun said assured. "But you can't complain about what I do. Got it!?"

Sighing, Chanyeol nodded as his shoulders slanted. "Fine. I won't. Just--no more swimming in the ocean. You know how I feel about that."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now