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| Janine in the MM |

Deetranada P.O.V.

Brazil and I were on her back porch smoking her weed she had.

"Have you ever thought about starting your own cartel?" Brazil asked.

I thought for a moment. "Nah, not that I remember," I answered passing her the blunt, "why?"

"Why not?"


"Doing what's best for you doesn't mean you have no loyalty. Where's your dad?" She asked.

"I don't know." I said after thinking long and hard.

"Exactly. He started his own cartel and now he's traveling around the world with multiple clubs and shit. You'd still label him as 'disloyal'? You ain't going mainstream with your music because of how deep you plan on being in the game, you wanna stay under ground, am I right?" She said.

I nodded as she took a long drag and exhaled as she spoke. "You can't live at your dad's house forever, so soon enough, you gon' live at your own house. You gon' be paying bills and shit," She passed me the blunt, "You gon' be paying for your basic necessities, your car note cause I know you not paying that and your car looks hella expensive. You can't pay all that shit off if you getting paid 10 thou per drop, and you can't pay your bills with dirty money unless you want to get locked up again. You're gonna need to use that dirty money to make your 'money cleaner' then use your clean money for bills. If you had your own cartel, you pay everyone as you wish cause the money touches you first, and you're over everyone. Plus, your brother gets the cartel by default since he's older, which leaves you as back up, unless of course he dies. I strongly advise for you to not take my advice seriously, I'm high." She said taking the blunt from me and inhaling the smoke.

As high as I was, I took her advice seriously. The main disadvantage of it was leaving my family, but it wasn't like I wouldn't ever see them. I just wouldn't be able to go on drops with them, but it's how we met and grew close. It would change everything.

Believe it or not, it was a difficult decision I would later talk to my dad about.


Key and I were driving through my old hood. I missed it so much. I was happy to move out, but I had some good memories there.

We were there for a drive-by. We'd been watching this dude for the longest to know when and where to get at him cause he owed my dad money. We ended finding out that at noon he started his daily jog, which was when we planned to get him. I adjusted the black bandana around my face and my hood as we drove past the corner I used to sell at.

"Hold up, Key," I said noticing a street sign at the corner that had Dee-Block written over it in graffiti. "It says Dee-Block, tell me that ain't named after me."

"I can't, cause it is. They ended up naming that whole block after you out of nowhere. Shit was crazy, like why can't I have a whole block named after me." Key said.

"Why y'all ain't tell me!" I asked overly excitedly.

"We wanted to wait till you got out but i'on know about them, but I forgot."

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