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Haughty (adj.) arrogantly superior and disdainful 


          I wake up the next morning, naked, hungry and with a pounding headache. Memories of last night come back in strobe like flashes, too quick for me to even piece together what the hell happened. I climb out of bed, a small squeak leaving my mouth at the aching pain between my legs, and my eyes widen.  

"What the fuck?" I mumble, continuing my walk to the bathroom. I use the bathroom and turn on the shower, hoping that a hot shower will  aid in the memories of last night. I make the shower quick, washing my body and hair as fast as I can before turning off the water and grabbing my robe. 

I wrap my robe around my body, grabbing a spare towel and using it to wrap around my hair. I walk back into my room and check my phone, a horrified scream leaving my mouth at all my notifications, that include mine and Austin's name in them.  

The top one catches my eye the most, and it's a new headline from E!News, and it includes my name. I open it and as soon as I read the headline, all the memories of last night hit me like an 18 footer. 

I get flashes of his hands all over me, and our lips sealed together. I can hear the moans leave his mouth just like they had the previous night. I had slept with Austin Mahone, and now it's all over the news. 

My phone rings in my hand and I answer it as soon as I see Cara's name "Hello?" 

"Axel Rose! What the hell?" She yells "Why are all these media sites talking about you sleeping with Austin?"

"Because it may, or may not have happened..." I trail off. 

"What the hell? Oh my god! I knew I should've went looking for you two after you left! My god" She huffs. 

"I don't even know what I was thinking" I face palm a groan leaving my mouth. 

"What are you going to do?" 

"What every other person would do, deny deny deny" I say "And then I'm going to hope and pray that it'll work" 

"I hope it does too" She sighs. 

"Has anyone called you about it?" 

"Nope just you. I have a ton of texts though and my twitter is blowing the fuck up" I say, hitting the home button to look at the number of texts and twitter notifications I have "I'm so screwed" 

"How about we treat you to a nice lovely lunch at a nice ramen place?" She suggests and I smile at how amazing she is. 

"That'd be fucking awesome, yes please"

"Alright, I'll meet you at your room in 30" 

"Okay, see you then" I say and then she hangs up the phone. I walk to the bathroom, turning on my blow dry to quickly dry my hair while looking through my text messages, I see their all from friends asking me what the hell the media is talking about, as well as one from my manager Anya, telling me we needed to talk immediately.

I decide that her 'immediately' can wait until after lunch and I close out my messaging app to open twitter. I see a bunch of mentions most of them saying the same thing as my texts, as well as a few people claiming that it's the beginning of a new PR stunt, or hate being sent to me because I'm such a whore. There are some nice ones, but only a few in the load of rude comments that are now being sent to me. 

I see that I have a private message and I click on the little icon in the corner, seeing it's from Austin. 

Austin: Hey Art, sorry that I just kinda left out of nowhere, the guys were wondering where I was. 

That was his first message, his second one was sent about an hour after

Austin: Holy shit! I'm so fucking sorry, I thought I was more sneaky than I was apparently and I didn't think anyone noticed me, but clearly they did. It's all my fault, I'll figure out how to fix it. 

I sigh heavily, and hover my thumbs over the keyboard thinking of something else to say, but decide a long ass message is unnecessary.

Art: It's fine. 

I hit send, and walk back to my room after my hair is dry, changing into a black camisole, fishnets and my light blue distressed boyfriend jeans. I walk to my suitcase and pull out my black boots before walking to the bathroom again and putting on a little bit of eyeliner and a natural pink nude lipstick. 

As soon as I'm done Cara is knocking on my door, a smile on her face "Ready?" She asks, and I nod. 

We walk to the ramen place considering it's about a block and a half from the hotel, and we're sure we can make it without being bombarded. 

When we reach the restaurant we go inside and sit down at a table, a waitress coming soon tot take our orders.

"So, what are you going to do?" She asks. 

"I have no idea, honestly" I sigh, thanking the waitress as she gives us our food "Anya said she wants to talk to me, and I feel like she is going to propose something extreme but I'd rather just pretend it didn't happen or downplay it a lot" I sigh, running a hand through my hair. 

"Do you think they'll ask you about it on the radio interviews?" 

"Oh fuck! I forgot about those" I huff, facepalming "God, I hope they don't ask me about it, I think I might die if they do" 

"Well, practice what you're going to say..." She urges.

"I don't know, I'd pobably downplay it" I think for a second "I think I'd say that we were all out together, and I wanted to go home, and he offered to accompany me because no one else wanted to go, and he stayed over because it was extremely late, and he wasn't in the state of mind to go home" I say. 

"I think that's good, but I think you'll have to talk about how you two weren't in the same bed" She suggests.

"You're right"

@axeltyler: Tip of the day, don't believe everything you read on the internet :) love all my real ones xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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